McAfee’s Girlfriend says her life has been threatened
But as the story continues to unravel, Tiffany told News Five that she is in fear of her life.
Duane Moody
“Since then you’ve had no contact with him? You haven’t been able to talk to him about his whereabouts or anything of that sort?”
Voice of: Tiffany, McAfee’s Girlfriend
“Since then no. Yesterday we received a text that said if John McAfee has a brother, his brother is going to die and all the girls will get killed. The number came from one of the other girls—one of her friends—and a guy told her that. She said that she send the text immediately after the guy said it. And she can’t give the name of the person. So the name of that person is anonymous. I don’t understand the text, but I am worried about my safety. I have a child to live for. I have two daughters—one is living with me—and I need to live for her. I don’t understand why the text is that they are going to kill the girls.”
Three associates of John McAfee are spending their second night in police custody. William and Serafina Mulligan and Cesar Trapp, a taxi driver has been charged for the possession of unlicensed firearms. The three were present at McAfee’s house where the firearm and ammos were found in the ongoing investigation in the murder of Faull.
What kind of mother is this, 2 daughters and living with an admitted drug fiend?
@ Bear, I totally agree with you. But unfortunately this is just a micro chasm of the degradation of our society and it shows what members of our society go through to make ends meet. This girl has resorted to prostitution to feed her kids and possibly her lifestyle. Yes it is prostitution, when you sleep with someone for money (“Prostitution- The practice or occupation of engaging in sex with someone for payment.”) it is prostitution. The other unfortunate factor is that children live their lives and make life choices by the examples set by their parents so the cycle of prostitution may be carried on by her daughters. It is so damn sad that we conveniently blame the government (UDP or PUP) for most of the ills in our society and we choose to ignore the critical ones created by the way we live and the choices we make. It is her personal choice if she wants to be a rich man’s play thing and prostitute but I can only hope that she takes some of that ill gotten money and use it to educate her daughters so they have a chance to break the cycle. To my Belizean women just remember that above all things you are the matriarchal stewards of our society and mankind and you should always treat yourselves with the respect you deserve for you are all very critical for the continuity of mankind. For all my Belizean brothers our women are not !@#$%^& or whores they are our mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers, they are the reason we are here so the same respect you have for the important women in your life should be afforded to every woman.
@bear – I don’t recall hearing that McAfee admitted being a “drug fiend”. As a matter of fact, the last time I heard anything from him on that topic it was to say that he doesn’t do drugs because he doesn’t want to miss out on life (paraphrased).
@nigel – as for you – Why do you refer to women with a matriarchal possessive but to men as your “brothers”? Why not refer to women as your sisters? Also, when you personally met the young woman in question and discussed this with her, did she tell you that she was with McAfee for money?
I would be interested to know how many people are totally confident that McAfee is a criminal and how many people think there is a chance that the Belizean authorities are corrupt.
I would also like to hear more details on why the Mulligans (et al) have been arrested and are still in jail. The article said that they were “in the house” but that doesn’t explain why they might be guilty of something. Does Belize have anything similar to “innocent until proven guilty”?
Pretty judge mental Bear. What do you know about this woman? Admitted drug fiend? Come on man
Great essay, Nigel. Well thought, well stated.
@ nigel. Very well said. This happen to woman that work at the casinos and the free zone. I guess tired of the life they have with their husbands and gready for some (easy) money. Too bad that in exchange the children and husband suffer.
Amen Nigel, Amen.
We can critized the woman for that but the men also play an important role in the education of our childerens.Men are also the perverts of our country. so we should not only blame the women also the men. Some men leave their good family at home and engage themselves in bars looking for more pleasure they think. They don’t give money to their family for doing this.This is when the morale value come in place, but since here in Belze it seems that Christianity is fading away and evil is takinfg control what do we expect to happnen. Anyone can come to BELIZE once they have money to live and be perverts to hire these ladies that are in need and become victims of this situation. Since there is no type of protection that G.O,.B can provide for the issues. PM and his ministers can even handle a hospital here in the North, that malpractice is going on. why? becuase the the Minister of Health does not know a thing about Health, he himself buys “frychicken”, he was an electrician before he won. What the hell is he doing being a “Minister of Health? What was the PM thinking when he did that? but since he is an obedient Minister the PM granted his position again. What else cannot happen in our country?
Jawallaby and Swamp Dragon — less than a week or so before this murder, a lengthy recorded interview of McAfee was published in which he went on and on about his involvement with hallucinogenic “bath salts” (also called MDPV) that he recommends taking by rectal insertion, and that he has been working to “purify” the drugs so that they will not cause paranoia, and that he takes them because they cause “hypersexuality”. He referred to his drugs of choice as “perv [pervert] powder.” He was very open, you might say proud of his pioneering work in drugs. He even mentioned he was a drug user before he founded his antivirus company.
So if Bear calls him a “drug fiend,” it is supported by McAfee’s own words.
Well… while “drug fiend” is still a bit more inflammatory than is totally necessary, I must agree that using an enema of hallucinogenic bath salts does seem a bit off the norm.
I always try to give the benefit of the doubt when people are accused of things. The press ALWAYS gets the story wrong and the police rarely tell the whole truth. So no matter what, I think it is rude for bear and nigel to call them names when they don’t even know either of them.
I have been reading some of the comments on this site and am curious, is English the native language in Belize?
And I am still curious to know what most people think about the police in Belize.
Can we please stop judge others. Who with out sins cast the first stone? I believed its no body business, but hers. its her life. let her live her life as she pleases. we have out own beezwax to tend to.
He is innocent until proven guilty. A lot of what is being said is hearsay. Does he have a rap sheet in Belize? Does he have one in the USA? The US Government is as corrupt as the GOB. Did anyone ever think that he might owe a lot of taxes in the USA and they want him extradited for allegedly killing another gringo? He has lots of guns – they are have a permit. Some of the original stories made it sound like it is a crime to have a gun. That is the United Nations crowd speaking. There are a lot of unanswered questions. Let the police do their job and let not the court of public opinion be the judge and jury.
Whether McAfee admitted to being a drug addict or not, his looks and behavior tells the complete truth. I don’t like to try fooling myself.
A drug-crazed millionaire with all the means to do what he wants is a menace to society. That psycho needs to be taken out of society — and as quickly as possible.
There is a whole lot more to reveal about his body guards but I will cut it short for now.