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Nov 26, 2012

August to life; convicted murderer sentenced

Gregory august

Twenty-four year old Gregory August will be spending the rest of his life prison for the murder of seventy-three year old Alvin Robinson, who was stabbed to death in 2009. August was convicted on November twenty-first and today he reappeared before Justice Adolph Lucas for mitigation and sentencing. Three character witnesses, including Avis Williams, a resident of the Mile Eight community, Rosilia Almendarez, his grandmother and his attorney, Lionel Welch spoke on his behalf. Williams, who has known August for fifteen years told the court he visited her regularly and was always a respectable person. Almendarez said she has been his caregiver for eight years since his mother moved to the United States when he was thirteen years old. She says he would only leave home to play football and she still cannot believe that he has been convicted of murder.  Meanwhile, Welch asked the court to consider that August had no previous dispute or altercation with Robinson prior to his death and that there was no evidence of a motive for the murder presented in trial. Justice Lucas then handed down the life sentence. Robinson was living inside a Pimento home in a family yard when on May twenty-third, 2009, two men entered his home and stabbed him multiple times to the neck and face. It is believed August went to the yard because Robinson’s grandson had slapped him during an altercation prior to the murder. The second suspect was never identified or captured by police. Prosecutor in the case was Stevannie Duncan.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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5 Responses for “August to life; convicted murderer sentenced”

  1. Rod says:

    Just hang him why waste our money hang him now.

  2. Buju says:

    Why would you kill a defenseless old man???

    Mr. August you are truly a coward and a disgrace to your mother and grandmother!
    Try to find it in your heart to apologize to this man’s family for what you have done and ask GOD for forgiveness.

    That is the only way you will make it!

  3. Artful says:

    He wa get fat tha jail…so why no hang this useless killer. He is no use to society…when he gets paroled…he will kill again.

  4. Bear says:

    I agree with every one of the comments above. I’m glad to see a judge willing to impose a heavy sentence.

  5. TRUTH!!!! says:

    You people should watch your own life and dont judge someone based on lies the witnesses,family and crown said……trying to frame a innocent young man jus because you were having an affair with one of the witness(CPRL.EVRON TECK)when a real witness wnted to clear him you re-fused to let the woman be a witness you are an dis grace to belize police department and the government is no to you PC.GREGORY WITTY you are a hypocrtical person re-writting ur statement over two weeks before the trial adding lies to your report and claiming that “you forgot key information about the case so you had to re-write your report”when ur report is written in black ink and the date in blue ink……the police who testify in this case are gutless and will always be because the prime minister has them that way and does not intend to change it….the lies the reporter wrote in the amandala about he placed his self at the crime scene..stupidity….the tennis that pc. witty claimed he saw blood outside of the tongue thats why he ask gregory to take of his tennis and handed it over..LIE,when the crime scene technition ROBERT HENRY at the crime scene teck showed him a tennis without gregory august being present what is the meaning of that..why is the accused shoe that made ONE SINGLE FOOT PRINT at the crime scene??????while PC.WITTY said he was at the scene that night and saw FOOT PRINT(S) coming to and from the primenta house..robert henry said that CPRL.TECK showed him a blood spot inside the tongue..LIE AGAIN…as far as i knw when your being detain you only hand over ur tennis lacing not your whole shoe…PC.WITTY ask for the tennis he did not see anything AGAIN another point where these police tried to frame gregory…..then their so call witness TiREEK GARBUTT who said he saw gregory and ANOTHER riding through his hard and he recognized gregory by his hair style and from side on and also by his hand because a white cloth was in his hand they are trying to link him with a dirty off white 2xL heritage brand t-shirt…non-sense…if the “SO CALL JURY” listen and payed keen attention to the case they will would have noticed that gregory is well put together and very tidy and in no way that that small shirt was his…they payed no attention to the case from the begining some of them looked through windows,sleep while some txt on their phne….as for the man who does blood analysis,when they asked him for the knife that was in evidence this was his reply”AFTER DISCUSSING WITH THE CROWN COUNCIL THEY TOLD HIM THAT THE KNIFE WASN’T RELEVANT TO THE CASE”how in the world the suspected murder weapon isn’t relevant to the case..another point of nonsense when he never mentioned that he recieved a purple cover test tube with the desceased blood at the trial and he mentioned the cotton swab wt suspected blood on it that he received from robert henry but in both his report and statement at trial…now the “BLOOD STAINS” ON THE SHIRT BOTH TECK AND ROBERT HENRY SHOWED THE COURT DIFFERENT LOCATION OF THE “BLOOD STAINS”…..they asked the forensic analysis how he tested the blood on the shirt he said he saw on the front and back of the shirt he said by cutting them out of the shirt and test them when welch asked him for the three peices he cut off he said they are at the lab…why is the evidence left at the lab along wt the knife,isn’t it procedure that all evidence handed in for testing should be handed back why those two were kept..the knife never had blood on it…nonsense!!!!!!!!!!as for ms.Noble that does shoe print impressions said she could not say if it was the tennis that was taken from gregory made the print on the cast mold because the wear and tears were not visible on the cast mold of the ONE SHOE PRINT they found one print not two and i knw gregory has two feet….the nike sign on the bottom of the shoe wasnt shown in the cast mold…but noble said that the demintions n markings are the same that doesnt say anything because ALL AIR FORCE BRAND HAS THE SAME PATTERN AT THE BOTTOM…DR.MARIO ESTRADABRAN said that the person that killed the desceased use incredible force while stabbing,any stab inflicted to the throat and neck area automatically blood would spray now the shirt hv three to four blood spot…want to know who killed that man ask his daughter/babymother michelle…now you people talking about hanging read this and pick sense out of non-sense…FRAME thats what i think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and what I know for a FACT….

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