3rd suspect is charged for robbery of Immigration Officer and businessman
A third man accused of the June 2012 robbery at gunpoint of Immigration Officer, Lindsay Wade was arraigned in the Belize City Magistrate’s Court on two counts of robbery. He is Russell Vernon, a Stevedore, who appeared before Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer. Vernon is accused of stealing four cell phones and jewelry from Wade and is facing an additional robbery charge for stealing jewelry from Dorian Usher, the owner of a tire shop where the robbery took place months ago. Vernon was remanded to the Belize Central Prison until January sixteenth. He joins Darrington Lauriano and Ryan Alvarez who have already been behind bar ninety days for the same offence. Usher claims that on June first, while he was at his tire repair shop on Raccoon Street in Belize City in the company of a friend, two men rode up on separate bicycles. He was held at gunpoint and one of them demanded that he hand over his jewelry. Fearing for his life, he handed over all his belongings. Wade was also at the tire shop, he was held at gunpoint by the thieves who took his wallet
A three strikes law would quickly make a big dent in crime by taking repeat offenders off the street for life.
I agree, 3 strikes and you’re out. And when your out I feel you have waived all your rights, so I don’t support any decent treatment that’s provided at prison.
Yo mek yo bed haad, yo sleep pan it so!!!
Farrakhan is not your problem guys like these are your problem!