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Aug 18, 2009

Another phantom med school in Belize

Story PictureWhile the Macal River may pose a health risk, a university advertised on the internet could put an unnecessary dent in your pocket. Charleston College of Medicine’s motto is “Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Heal.” The med School’s website at says “The decision to enter the medical field and choosing the right medical school is an important consideration that will significantly affect your life and career.” That’s very good advice for students who wish to pursue a career in medicine and for the parents who will sacrifice to afford that education. Charleston, however, does not live up to the reputation it has on its website. In fact it appears to have more in common with Doctor Baker Niazi’s University of Central America School of Medicine. That’s right, it is a work of fiction. Charleston lists its address as Dry Creek Street in Belmopan. There is no med school of that name listed in Belize. Sources indicate that two of the principals in the website are Phil Rountree and Rod Tomczak, American Nationals operating out of Portland, Oregon. The story is very similar to the last phantom university, as it also lists at least one Belizean as being part of this faculty. This news came as a surprise to University of Belize’s Department of Science and Technology’s Dean, Doctor Thippi Thiagarajan to find out that his name was listed as part of the phantom school’s faculty.

Jose Sanchez
“Have you ever heard of Charleston University?”

Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan, Dean, Science and Technology
“No sir, I have not heard about it. I heard it for the first time from you.”

Jose Sanchez
“The website for Charleston University said it is located in Belmopan on Dry Creek road and you are a faculty member. Do you even have time to be a member of this school?”

Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan
“No, I have nothing to do with this school, as I said, that I’ve never heard of. I don’t know anybody affiliated with this school and so I have nothing to do with this school.”

Jose Sanchez
“These names; Phil Rountree or Rod Tomczak, do you know those names? They are the ones who actually own the website.”

Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan

Jose Sanchez
“Is there a medical school by that name that even exists in Belmopan as far as you are aware?”

Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan
“No sir, not that I know of.”

Jose Sanchez
“Is your name in public somewhere on the internet that they could have just grabbed it and used it?”

Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan
“It’s possible because my name is in the University of Belize website as dean of the faculty and my publications and all are available through Google search. So people can see my name and my profession and my qualifications.”

Jose Sanchez
“It’s very unfortunate that your name was used in this way.”

Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan
“It’s very unfortunate you know, somebody using my name without my knowledge and consent is some violation. I don’t know if I can take them to court.”

The website had a charge of seventy-five U.S. application fee and a late registration fee of one hundred and fifty U.S. dollars. The registration fee for the first four months was approximately sixteen thousand dollars. It is not known how many persons have registered. And in respect of the University of Central America School of Medicine, Doctor Baker Niazi, the owner has not been heard since the fraud was exposed.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Another phantom med school in Belize”

  1. Rosella Duckwall says:

    Ditto JKB!! Though instead of Ph.D’s it’s womyn’s and gender studies majors. Or anyone that has attended a class held by Ayers and believed it.

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