Another bust of illegal harvested rosewood in Toledo
There is a breaking story out of Toledo tonight where the illegal trade of rosewood continues at a brisk pace. At four p.m. today, a joint operation by Police and Forestry Department personnel led to the discovery of eighty pieces of Rosewood several miles from the seacoast of Punta Gorda Town, at Gomez Estate in Eldridge Ville. Along with the rosewood, a tractor registered to the Ministry of Agriculture was impounded by the police. The tractor, according to the authorities, is believed to have been used in facilitating the movement of the precious wood. Police have since detained five persons who were in the immediate area. The matter is presently being investigated by the Forestry Department and based on the outcome of the investigations charges may be levied. As recent as Sunday night, a joint operation by the Forestry Department, Police and B.D.F., intercepted a shipment of two thousand board feet of the valuable wood; which is worth over a hundred thousand dollars. And on Tuesday, the confiscated rosewood went missing from where it was being stored by the Forestry Department.
Wow! When will the corruption end?
Minister Lisel Alamilla….you seriously need to do some house cleaning in Forest Department! They are undermining your Ministry big time!!! Got to Go!
Folks, all this is saying is that some very big fish is not gonna let you minions cramp their style. Transparency and integrity?……..You got to be kidding me.
“And on Tuesday, the confiscated rosewood went missing from where it was being stored by the Forestry Department.”
Who will investigate, who will go to prison? We have the fox watching the henhouse.
I suggest a law that REQUIRES one year in prison for every 100 board feet of lumber taken illegally. What do you think?
The Forestry Department thieves needed a pretty good truck and forklift, and time to move 2,000 board feet of stolen rosewood, and then they needed some hours to get it out of the country, past police and Customs, etc.
Nobody saw anything? No security video? No clues?
That rosewood was estimated to be worth $104,000 — plenty to go around and bribe whoever needed it. Business as usual under this GOB! It’s all there for the stealing.
The rosewood in the photo has already been milled, already squared up with a big, stationary saw. That takes time and workers — where is this illegal sawmill? Let’s see if Hon. Alamilla can lead an investigation that gets results.
There was a time I thought she was heading in the right direction, but today I’m sure she has sold out like most of the rest of GOB. Get rich while you can, and never look back!
Selectar I do not support their UDP party but if you think she is selling out I got news for you!! She is not like that.. and credit should be given where it is due and we should leave party politics aside in times like this.. lets give credit where it is due.. I totally agree that she needs to clean house but remember the PSU has everyone back bad or good and from what I have heard it is not so easy to fire these corrupt folks in the ministry.. We need to start looking at the PSU and have them do a better job.. too many people working in GOB that should not be there..