Sting operation delays police response to burglary in P.G.
Aside from the incident involving Francisco Shol on Friday night, Janny’s Restaurant and Sports Bar, formerly known as the P.G. Sports Bar, was the target of thieves on Sunday. Sometime around three a.m., two men—one armed with a firearm—gained access to the premises through a door on the roof to the building. The burglars held up the proprietors who were sleeping inside and demanded money. Inspector Ernel Dominguez, the officer in charge of PG Police says they couldn’t respond in time because they were on a sting operation involving contraband goods.
Insp. Ernel Dominguez, Officer in Charge, Punta Gorda Police Formation
“On Sunday sixteenth December, 2012, sometime after three a.m., P.G. Police received an information in respect to a robbery in the area of the sports bar that is situated on the Main Street of Punta Gorda Town. I must say that at present when the complaint came into the station, the police vehicle was engaged in an operation. There was an operation between three and four a.m. in which they intercepted a vehicle that was doing contraband. That is the reason why I must say that at the time, the police were not readily available to respond. However, they did respond to that crime and the investigation continues as it relates to that particular crime. At the time, there were two person; a Chinese couple, were dwelling in the same building where this money was apparently taken from.”
Duane Moody
“Were they held up?”
Insp. Ernel Dominguez
“From what we received, there were two persons who entered the establishment and they demanded money. According to the complainant, they are saying that one of these persons had a handgun and the other one was unarmed. However, they are not able to directly identify these persons.”
“Leads in the investigation. Has anybody been detained for it or does the police know who they are looking for?”
Insp. Ernel Dominguez
“I must say that so far going through the investigation, the police has so far detained two persons. Two persons have been detained, questioned and so far they have been released, but however, we have a person or two in mind so we will continue our investigation as it relates to that.”
How did the sting operation go? Any arrests or charges?
I have some question about the wisdom of putting ALL available officers on a contraband sting operation, leaving nobody to answer a call for an armed robbery. Violent crime should be a higher priority than uncustomed smuggling.
Sorry for the shopkeepers, I hope their property is recovered and the robbers spend a decade or so in prison.
So far……etc
from my point of view the office commanding was not present in punta gorda so how can he comment on such crime and do interviews if he is using second hand information.
i went in to the police station various times on saturday including i when to his home on oreole street where i was told that he had left the previous day.