Female U.S. national was not murdered
The lifeless body of thirty-two year old Kristy Lynn Sy, an American national, was retrieved from shallow waters in San Pedro Town on Wednesday morning. The corpse was discovered by a teenager running along the beach. Local authorities immediately launched an investigation, treating the incident as a potential homicide. Doctor Giovanni Solorzana, who declared Sy dead at nine o’clock, reported that there were signs on her neck that were consistent with strangulation. An autopsy, conducted earlier today, revealed that Sy died of natural causes. An interrogation of Sy’s friends also confirmed that she took medication for epilepsy.
Who did the autopsy? Some medical examiners have better track records and credibility than others.
I hope it really was natural causes [well, hope is not the right word — I would hope she hadn’t died at all].
If this girl was not strangled then this doctor needs to be put in jail for stupidity how could he have seen signs on the girls neck of strangulation and now they are saying she died of natural causes sounds to me like another cover up.
what is natural about a 32 year old who is jogging on the beach suddenly dying. NOTHING. this is a joke . you need a proper post mortem by a qualified pathologist to make that decision. most of these doctors on the island are family practitioners , they are no forensic pathologist!!.DEFINITELY a COVER UP
yeah, it’s a cover-up all right. didn’t this government promise transparency?
I hope this shut the mouth of alot of people, i dont get it, what did the san pedro people do to mainlanders for us to be hated this much, on the last news cast on the same story we got such horrible coments especially from idiots like ROD and why? we san pedranos are a hard working people and know that our livleyhood comes from tourism, why the hell would we put our livleyhood on jeoperdy like this man, i have said it before, 90% of the crimes out here are commited by people from the mainland and yet we the locals have to bear with the bad name, we tried to do something about it but we were told that we were violating peoples right to travel, come on man!!!! what should we do then???? some people like STORM stated they they recommended other destinations like ST. LUCIA and you know what STORM thats fine, i hope your friends spent a very pleasant and safe vacation in ST. LUCIA i really do! cause you know what happened here is san pedro…… nothing at all, we still get up at the crack of dawn get our boats and gear ready and earn our living either by taking tourists fishing , diving, or picnics and we do it extreeeemley well so we know that tourists will continue to return to san pedro. be it slow or high season we the sanpedranos will be doing what we do best and that is work hard and survive!!!!! So STORM and ROD if a san pedrano offended you, or you had a bad experience in san pedro on behalf of all of us i apologize!!!!!! BUT you guys remember, you can chastize us all you want, we dont care if you recomend other tourist destinations! but one thing i will tell you, we sanpedranos will still be here working hard and surving no matter what so…..say your worst we can take it!!!!!
dnt forget as well dat more than 20% or more of ALL taxes collected from from THIS island.
Cruz, I also said I recommended my friends not vacation in Belize BEFORE this American woman died.
I was not picking on SP in particular, just commenting on the general violence and lawlessness that has every sane Belizean worried. Ten years ago I invited all my foreign friends here, but the country is a lot different today than it was that recently, and almost no serious crimes are solved. Hire a lawyer, you walk free, no matter what you did. That’s tragic but almost literally true.
Don’t you see SP being different today than it was ten years ago, too? Maybe it’s mainlanders from the city doing most of the crime, but it is still a problem on the island. What can be done to restore security all over the Jewel, including SP?
I really hoped the new police commander there would make a difference, but so far I don’t see a change. Maybe the good citizens who live there should form their own patrols, and take back control of the island from the barbarians from the mainland. Remember, citizens have the legal power to make arrests if they see criminal behavior, so we all have the tools to protect our towns if we want to use them.
I love the Jewel, but I’m afraid my generation has failed it, and let crime get out of control in recent years, and injustice infect the entire criminal law system. Maybe it’s drugs, or gangs, or corruption, or a combination of those things, but any honest person has to be concerned about the crime problem we have right now.