Escapee, Abbas Khan, ComPol launches investigation
Tonight, after almost two weeks, there is finally official police word on thirty-eight year old Abbas Khan, even if it is only to confirm what the media has been reporting. On March third, Corozal Police searched the house of businessman Khan where they found five Indian passports. When Khan was questioned he claimed that none of the persons named on the passports were in Belize and he could not account why he held their passports. Khan was then allegedly informed that he would be charged for the offence of unlawful possession of passports, and was detained in Orange Walk since he was wanted there on the strength of a committal warrant. The Police report says only that Khan later escaped from Police custody in Orange Walk, though it gives no details on how or when. The release ends by stating that the Commissioner of Police has launched an investigation into the matter. If this is anything like other investigations this may likely the last we’ve heard of the matter, or of Khan.
Arrest the police who connived in his escape, and have them serve his prison sentence in his place. That would be a just result.
I hope Whylie follows this investigation to a brutal end, charging the police who were involved. Until crooked cops are put in prison, and incompetent ones are fired, Belize will remain a dangerous, failed state. Laws can’t be enforced by a department riddled through with criminals.
Mek we see the photo of the Most Wanted. This terrorist could be walking among us daily. Many police must have been paid off for this cover up.
@Eye in the Sky is right, let’s plaster the country with this creep’s photo, and put up a good reward for capturing him.
Them stupid and crooked police officers in Belize would make a murderer walk free for alcohol. That is the root of the problem. There are some decent officers in the dept. but mr. compol I hope you find out who is the culprit involved and deal with him or them accordingly.