Kevin Lee guilty of aggravated assault of an indecent nature
Sixty-eight year old businessman Kevin Lee, a well-known massage therapist, is tonight beginning a year-long sentence at the Belize Central Prison. Lee, who has been embroiled in an outrageous scandal involving the unauthorized videotaping of dozens of his former clients, was found guilty and convicted of aggravated assault of an indecent nature. In April 2011, a twenty year-old woman entered Lee’s place of business, where, instead of administering a backrub, he proceeded to grope her breasts and buttocks. The woman subsequently reported the matter to police and charges were brought against the acupuncturist. In court today, Lee, in the company of attorney Alifah Elrington-Hyde, appeared before Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer, where she cited the gravity of the offence he committed. Instead of imposing a maximum penalty of two years in prison, Frazer handed down a lesser sentence. Despite his attorney’s request for a non-custodial sentence, Lee was given a year in jail. In October 2011, a raid on Lee’s premises yielded a farm of servers containing up to six thousand video files of clients in various stages of undress. In the wake of the bust, Lee absconded to the United States, where he was deported to Belize to face charges. When he left court today, Lee said, “God understands me.” He has indicated that he will be appealing the verdict.
Let’s take the charges deeper. Were any of the videos downloaded by others? I`m I someday going to find a video of my naked body online? If that is the case what happens to my rights? If he made money off these videos, isn’t he then selling prono? Is it legal to produce and sell prono in Belize? If so did he have a license? What were his profits? Did he pay taxes on it? Should the “actors” get paid too?
1 year, what a joke.
He says he’s innocent. The judge rightly found this dirty old scoundrel guilty! His turn to enjoy the massage-from-hell during his year’s stay at the Hattieville Ramada!
NOW the chinee restaurant man will spit (or worse) in your fry chicken and chow main to get revenge on all Belizeans.
Rememba all chinee stick togetha.
Watch out cruffy mind what U de eat.
`If I had a loved one abused by this pervert, I want want a much bigger piece of his flesh than just one year in prison.