Unions deal dependent on Petroleum find
Last Friday, the Unions’ Joint Negotiation Team met with G.O.B. and received a counterproposal to their counterproposal, and even though word was that the unions were to have issued a release, they have remained absolutely silent. But tonight, News Five has gotten some details of government’s counterproposal. From what we can see, government is buying time on credit, and using the possibility of a viable oil find as an irresistible sweetener. One of the Union’s make or break points in their proposal was payment now, rather than in 2014. To that point, G.O.B. has responded by asking for a stay period of three months, during which time it is hoped oil will materialize in great big quantities, and then all is possible. And then there’s the issue of the floor, or minimum payment. Again, G.O.B. is asking for some time, stating that if the preliminary showing of oil in the Orange Walk district blossoms into a commercial quantity deposit, then they would be willing and able to look at paying up to five percent, or even more. Those are the two issues around which all else circulate, and we understand there have been additional sweeteners thrown into the pot, including a promise to crack down on the discrepancies pointed out in the last Auditor-General’s report. Now it is left to the unions to sell the oil hook to their wider membership. That will be done during the next couple weeks.
Barrow has a pretty retirement fun in the Bank of America over 2 million BZE and a US Green Card. with the Free-done of Information Act in the USA ICIJ.org will file to get the complete story and forward to the people of Belize.
HaHahahahaha. They cant be serious. They must have forgotten how much we ‘benefited” from the last time we found oil. The only local ones who benefited were the attorneys for the oil companies, and the various political appointees. Teachers did not see a dime, Belizeans did not receive a dime. Couldn’t even pay back the Superbond with our oil find because of the lousy accommodation / windfall tax agreement signed by GOB.
People teachers use unu head for a change these union members are in collusion with the gov can’t you see that, get rid of these unions and negotiate unu raise unu self again union members are in collusion with this pm and gov. How dunce can you teachers be.
Cheat me once, shame on you, cheat me twice, shame on me!
The teachers need to learn that old proverb. There will be no oil revenues available for them. If any revenues exist [and it’s doubtful, because nobody here will ever see the real books], BILK will grab them first to keep public money flowing to private pockets.
Sick and tiered a all these things happening in our beautiful jewel… such a small and beautiful country for so much things to be happening, when we get genuine ppl who love and appreciate our jewel then we will see changes… all these politicians want is to full there pockets and live like kings when they left the post…. we Belizeans have to get serious with these guys and begin to fine ways of how we could jail all these corrupted politicians playing all these games. Belizeans plz stop tolerating these guys with all their lies.
we need new negotiators. The current negotiators are very week. Why go back to the members. The member already have spoken.