Cops and contraband fuel caught on camera
A citizen journalist’s cell phone video capturing police in the act has gone viral. The video of uniformed cops at a house allegedly known for dealing in contraband fuel was taken by a man who had a run in with the law over his tractor. The cops removed the tractor and then a man is seen taking fuel from a container area to the official police pickup truck. The officer watches as the fuel is inserted into the tank and then leaves. The well-known contrabandista from Santa Clara allegedly buys fuel and brings it into Belize through the Santa Elena border crossing. Police Press Officer Raphael Martinez told News Five this afternoon that there are specific locations where police vehicles are fueled. The shed behind the Santa Clara house is not one of the prescribed fuel depots. Later this afternoon, Martinez sent out a statement saying that the police mobile did not have enough fuel to return to the station in Corozal Town so, “The police were offered assistance and were refueled by a member of the family with just enough to make it to an official Service Station. A video is now being shown on the internet initiated by an aggrieved family member from whom the tractor was recovered.”
This is happening to all of this gov when they see their own leaders stealing openly they don’t care any more and do the same this is one big corrupt group of people thieves guan judas guan get out you are a disgrace to this country.
Yeah right lmao serious though.
Rod: this was happening even before the government.
Its a shame since they are the ones who should be dealing with crime and for some reason they always try to cover it up.
So lets see a copy of the fuel bill. I’m sure someone will ask for reimbursement for fuel purchased. SO what kind of police driver is this? As a driver, when you get into a vehicle you know how far you can drive before you need fuel. come-on now – i’m no longer sucking my thumbs. Martinez, for once admit something is amiss, investigate and penalize. it will show us that the police still have balls.
This country is a lawless place. When the leader of a country is weak and incompetent this is what happens. There are no true leaders in this country. The future will be a takeover, some other government will move in and takeover. England sure do not want the country back, I say negotiate with the US, at least the quality of life would improve.
Wat a lame duck excuse, So why they didnt fuel the vehicle at one of the designated stations b4 leaving corozal town??? Dont they know how to read the fuel meter??? Dont they understand what E or F means??? if there is a proper investigation conducted the outcome will be that the police often threaten to arrest these contrabandistas if they dont provide freeee fuel to them. police usually full up their private vehicles at these places, of course, freeeee of cost. sorry to say but i think our police is far more corrupt than what we think the Mexican police is?
Lack of fuel for police is not uncommon, at least in Corozal. I’ve been asked to buy gasoline for police more than once, which I do just as a good citizen.
The real scandal here is that GOB cannot manage its budget to buy gasoline for police who are there to enforce the law, but there is plenty of taxpayer money to pay for SUVs and gasoline for ministers and their families, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum.
At the same time, if there is an open and notorious contrabandista, Customs needs to pay him a visit.
And maybe GOB should reduce taxes on gasoline, which is a necessity, so that people aren’t tempted to buy in Mexico. We do not need to accept things the way they are, we should all challenge government assumptions and . . . QUESTION AUTHORITY.
yah, but you do it and give the same excuse. see what happens.
its a shame how the people of this country even when they have a proper response are blind>you are all easy to criticize the police but when something happens to you, no matter what you are the first ” TO CRY WOLF”. Its not as if the police put it into personal vehicles as shown here! think b4 you speak. and if those people know about contraband fuel in their areas they still go to those illegal depots. so what if the police got assistance. E or F don’t mean squat to the citizens of this country when ” YOU ALL” WANT THE POLICE TO HURRY AND ASSIST U RIGHT! Listen to STORM’S response u one track minded respondents.
I totally agree wit u respondent. y blame d police…
Oh waaa waaa waa! Mr Respondent, what else you get as bribe – free sodas, beer and even grocery? You make it sound like as police they do the “protect and serve” for free they get a salary, if the salary is not enough then get the hell out and get another job. If you have a problem with ACCOUNTABILITY and TRANSPARENCY then you should get out of the force. You just dont try to JUSTIFY an illegal behavior. The end never justifies the means – What is wrong is wrong – if you da police or not!
i dont trust none of them. C=Crimminal O =on P=patrol.
poor NOT RESPONDENT. i feel sorry for your one track mind but i am not police to get a bribe. i know all are not as decent as we believe yet if you get into an argument who will you run to for help and who will you help to solve your case. the police!
poor NOT RESPONDENT. i feel sorry for your one track mind but i am not police but i atleast can recognize assistance when i see it. i know all are not as decent as we believe yet if you get into an argument who will you run to for help and who will you help to solve your case. the police!
(((The video of uniformed cops at a house allegedly known for dealing in contraband fuel was taken by a man who had a run in with the law over his tractor. The video of uniformed cops at a house allegedly known for dealing in contraband fuel was taken by a man who had a run in with the law over his tractor.))) read the statements into the article and this will allow you to take care of what you say before u say it. its a pity that citizens like you who half read the articles, criticize before they talk. ergo: you do not have the mental capacity to be a productive citizen of this country as we in UWI are doing at this time.