Will there be justice after destruction of Noh Mul?
At news time tonight, News Five has been unable to confirm if any charges have in fact been levied against anyone in connection with the destruction of the Noh Mul Mayan Archeological Site. The story was big news three weeks ago after it was discovered that on May ninth, a company owned by Orange Walk contractor Denny Grijalva tore apart the ancient monument with a backhoe to get material to fill roads. There was a massive backlash from foreign press and local organizations, and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture led the proverbial lunch mob to ensure that the perpetrators would face the full extent of the law. But that was three weeks ago, and Grijalva is known to be a relatively significant player in the United Democratic Party and a close affiliate of Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega. The outcome of that case is still very much up in the air. When News Five checked with the Institute of Archaeology today, we were told that the directors, headed by Jaime Awe, traveled to Orange Walk today to place all their evidence before the Orange Walk Police and that at news time, there had been no word from them. We understand also that they had received some assurance from the Police Department that charges would be levied today, but that remains unconfirmed. We’ll have more on this story as it develops, or doesn’t develop, as the case may be.
I have no confidence that justice will come in the ordinary course of the law — after all, this is Gapi’s partner, and he is also protecting his nephew from prosecution for killing a man with his car.
If Gapi were removed from the scene, we could start to see justice in these cases. Let’s pray that somehow occurs.
A nation without justice is nothing more than a jungle, fit only for animals. Justice must return to Belize. If it can’t be done through government, then the people have the right to impose it themselves. GOB is no longer legitimate because it refuses to practice “equal justice under the law.”
I really think we should follow the example of the villages in Mexico, and form vigilante police in every population center. The police can’t catch and convict real criminals, so there is little chance they would greatly bother vigilante posses.
Once criminals learn they will face real and swift justice, they will behave themselves better.
As for Denny Grijalva, I view him as roadfill. He needs to pay for his crimes.
What do you think would happen if ; a contractor in Italy tore down the vatican, or if an Egyptian contractor tore down a Pyramid, or a contractor in Greece tore down the Partheon, or a contractor in China tore down the Great Wall, or a contractor in Israel tore down the waling wall, they would all be prosecuted!!!!!!!! Come on Belizean People and Politicans step in the the 21st Century and do the right thing to protect our World Monuments!!!!!! Prosecute these idots!!!!!!! So we can show the developed World we are civilized and not a corupt 3rd World Country that looks the other way when the right people break the Laws!!!