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Jun 24, 2013

Corozal home invasion for $40,000

A businessman from Corozal District did not suffer the same fate as the shopkeeper in Belize City, but he was terrorized during a home invasion. According to police, as the Louisville Village resident and his wife exited their vehicle; they were ambushed by five armed and masked men at eleven p.m. on June twenty-first. They were escorted inside their home and where their hands were tied behind their backs and he was additionally beaten on the floor.  The wife proceeded to hand over a black leather bag containing forty thousand dollars and jewelry which amounted to approximately four thousand dollars and three cellular phones. The masked men escaped with the victim’s shotgun. Strangely, the police department did not reveal the name of the businessman as is customary on reports.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Corozal home invasion for $40,000”

  1. Al says:

    In Belize you cannot even work for a living. People work hard and the lazy gangsters come in and in some case kill you for what you work hard for. Crime pays in Belize, the criminals are very rarely caught and if caught get off on some technicality.
    It is time for the law to become more pro-active in investigating and prosecuting criminals.

  2. only in BZE says:

    Something fishy. Maybe drug deal that went bad. No names? I guess no police report.

  3. Raul says:

    Forget the PSEs. Let’s educate our children to become criminals in Belize. It’s a lucrative, almost legal lifestyle that will benefit them. F*** school!

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