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Jul 26, 2013

A scam with accompanying articles and videos about Belize

Have you heard of Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson? News Five has never heard of him either until today. But according to his website, he is one of the largest investors of projects in Belize. He’s taking part in housing schemes, building renewable energy facilities, in fact he’s practically taking over all our energy needs. The only problem is that Lord Gibson is a fraud, and he is using the fantasy ideas to develop a website with videos and articles to fool potential investors into swindling their money. Here’s a clip from one of Lord Gibson’s videos in which his associates profess to have met with a local government minister.


“Absolutely wonderful meeting with the minister. The objective for the gathering was for us to discuss: how we can’t support the growth within the country? How could we support the growth within the contrary? How we could develop an alter claying energy system to utilize about a twenty mega watt power plant using a hydrogen fuel cell. And because the country does not have the national resources typically as the United States, it is the alternated way to fuel. In the energy lab and also the export lamb. You know the securities is a big part of bringing both the partnership and the Belizean government together to have us move this forward. So it is a tremendous opportunity for us to bring U.S. technology to a third world country.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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8 Responses for “A scam with accompanying articles and videos about Belize”

  1. ang says:

    Bze embassies may want to post these on their websites as a precaution to real investors to make sure the dough heads in the rt direction.

  2. Da Undertaker says:

    When John McAfee was on the run from Belize police, Uncle Benji hacked John McAfee’s website and brought it down for two days.

    I am sure someone will be taking a look at Lord Gibson’s website over the weekend.

    It wasn’t me!

  3. Factual Events says:

    If someone was to check with the Ministry of Trade, Investment Promotions and consumer Protection. Or Hon Erwin Contreas (501) 822 3263/3832/2833. They would see the actual events are real. There is an additional several Ministers involved. Someone needs to get fact right. Lord Gibson is not stating anything which he dose not have in writing. The FIU will also se informed of anyone trying to ack any websites.

  4. Ivan Ivanovitch says:

    Lord Neil Gibson is a fraud. He bought his title and defrauded many with his bank guarantee schemes for years. Now he has partnered with C.Trade and Nick Kontonicolas through his defunct Belize company,Handels Securities, these same bank guarantees. Nick is using them to peddle false news releases about billions in oil deals through a pump and dump stock scam called Bayside Corp.( symbol BYSD on OTC in USA markets). BYSD just increased from 60 to 913 million shares and dumped maybe 100 million insider paper to the unsuspecting market. The insiders will use news releases of bank guarantees( Nick and Gibson decades old scam)or letter of credits or IBOE’s to claim a collateral for capital then fool Chinese oil buyers into a contract. With this they are able to do a major penny stock promotion with news releases of Chinese buyers( they just did one last week netting them 1 million dollars and will attempt to sell all their worthless paper for many millions shortly unless stopped by the SEC or FINRA).

  5. Al says:

    Belize is well known in the world for its illegal activities, especially who in the government can be bribed. I am not surprised at any person who tries to cash in using Belize to do so. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

    There is a commercial being aired that highlights Belize as a safe country and economically sound. This is false advertisement, how many foreigners have been raped, murdered and robbed in this country. If this country is so safe why is there a travel warning posted.

  6. Unwanted Publicity Intelligence says:

    Belize government bank took payments for shipments of white cocaine paste packed in white PVC pipes sent out-of Bolivia north through Honduras where cocaine-laden truck convoy shipments received escorts by the Honduras Air Force further north so America could get its cocaine. Belize banks also received money from E*TRADE in New York where The Dominion Of Melchizedek agents received its Caribbean offshore independent bank fraud investment monies that served the grey-market Pink Sheets entities based in Belize while simultaneously promoting pump ‘n dump stock fraud schemes from Ottawa, Canada to the United States.

    Now we see the Non-Official Cover ( NOC ) foreign intelligence agent fraudster, a Northern Ireland national named Neil Benjamin Gibson of the U.S. government continuing financial intelligence ( FININT ) fraud games from Belize City, Belize to Lesotho, Africa where the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank connections are involved with his so-called “investments.”

    This character is of not only ill repute and cannot be trusted in any business financial transactions but he is also sanctioned by U.S. and UK government foreign intelligence operations to commit frauds on foreign citizens. Boot him out-of all countries until one ( 1 ) – like Russia – is willing to jail him up for good.

    – UPI



  7. Watch Dog says:

    Unwanted Publicity you are a idiot and I am hot on your trails. As is my Agency enforcement team. We know you are a criminal trying to hide behind stupid posts. Only a coward dose not disclose him self. It as been disclosed you are a low life old man with no life. We know you are a convicted Felon and that’s why you hide behind blogs. Get a bath and cut your hair LOOSER.

  8. M D Spaulding says:

    Lord Gibson is a scam. Took my investors to close to $100,000 22 years ago with his German Bond deal. Claimed they would be paid back from his family trust if the deal did not happen. Nothing but scam.

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