Pope tells gays “Who am I to judge?”
A Supreme Court decision in a pioneering case against the Government of Belize by Caleb Orosco to repeal Section Fifty-three of the Criminal Code was promised to be delivered by Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin by the end of July. That ruling will be historic since it is the first constitutional challenge of its kind and is considered a test case. The executive director of United Belize Advocacy Movement is seeking to have struck out that portion of the Laws of Belize which criminalizes same-sex intercourse. While the churches have joined the government in this legal battle, Pope Francis, made a remarkable statement today on gays; striking a more peacemaking tone than the established Vatican policy which describes homosexuality as a deviation and an irregularity that should bar gay men from becoming priests. Earlier today, in an interview with Vatican reporters aboard the papal plane, the pontiff said, “if someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge.”
Pope Francis
“If someone is gay and he searched for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”
Damian Thompson
“The comments that the Pope made about gay priests on the plane (were) very significant. They didn’t change Catholic teaching, but they alter the atmosphere very much. It seems that there will be no longer a witch hunt to stop celibate gay men from entering seminaries, which had been the situation. I think gay Catholic will be feeling a lot more relaxed even though I must emphasize that the church still teaches that homosexual acts are wrong. I think the reaction to the Pope’s statement about gay priests will differ inside the church. Perhaps some closeted gay priests will be pleased to know that the Pope is not judging them. On the other hand, particularly in America where traditionalists are very much opposed to the gay lobbyism as they see it, there will be considerable alarm and despondency. This is a controversial Pope; no getting away from it. I was actually astonished when I saw those aerial shots of three million young people on that beach to hear the Pope. Now not all of them were devout Catholics, but he has excited such interests that I think finally some sort of line will be drawn underneath the dreadful abuse scandals of the past. People will stop thinking of the Catholic Church as a nest of hypocrites and child abusers and start judging the church by its actions. And if Francis has achieved that, then all Catholics should be proud of him.
As we said, the judgment on the Caleb Orosco case is expected shortly.
Obviously Bishop Wright did not get the papal memo before joining the “anti-bammers” march of shame. He is grossly out of step with our new pope and is indeed a relic of a bygone era. What these fake Christian don’t like is that we have a change taking place in the world. To see the way the religious groups out parading and promoting a culture of intolerance and hate – is a far cry from the core precepts of christianity. It was very unchristian and un-christlike. thus the utterance from our pope comes at very important time reminding us of what it means to be a true Christian. I now have some hope that my church may have found its footing and will perhaps concede to attending mass….in this day and age it is rare that have this sort of news. I hope our pope follows up with action.
Seriously, Mr. Francis? Are you even aware of what the very scripture says about men who lie with men?
Show me a homosexual and I will show you a child molester. And you don’t have to take my word for it. Just have someone pull the records of all the court cases against the church, since you appears not to know.
It is this same kind of complicity that has priests wrecking havoc among the alter boys. Then they get transferred and told…..who am I to judge?
He didn’t say if someone is gay, and is attempting to gain rights above everyone else, who am I to judge? Seeking the lord is a positive way to do good in the world! Attacking the Bible as a hate document is a totally different agenda. Destroying the family structure upon which society is built, is far from seeking harmony and love. Suing people for their opinion is another level of hate. Ask Audrey! How far will they go?
wow even the big guns are afraid of this gay plague.
Louisville and the your ilk,
kill them, no doubt.
torture them first, cut off body parts next, stone them bloody, then crucify.
let the hypcrite throw the first stone, it befits you, Lord Master. Jesus’ right hand is you.
If these people marched in the street with as much determination against murder and pedophiles, they might be credible. But they don’t. just a smoke screen to who knows what they are really up to.
Wait a minute. A gay man and a married man are committing the same acts as being involved sexually with another person. Maybe I am confused, but aren’t priests supposed to be celibate? You cant be gay and celibate, similarly you cant be married and celibate. So how you have a gay priest?
God please forgive them as they don’t know what they are doing….even if they know and ignore to obey your laws.. God please have mercy on them. fellow belizeans this pope will be the first one to be thrown in hell… and all his followers.. everyone see him like their God but let me tell you all their is only one God and that is the Almighty. the bible says let us be the light in the darkness…if we are the followers of God then let us be light… where the holy spirit can dwell. because in unclean vessel the holy spirit cannot dwell.. please don’t be fool by antichrist. in the bible says that many will com saying that they are the God, healing..etc and teaching different doctrines but don’t be fooled these are the antichrists. to all the christian followers of God let us seek for our salvation and let us do what God commands…. at the end we will be with our father who is in Heaven.. IF THOSE WHO KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT AND IGNORE THEN IT IS THEM WITH GOD.
God please forgive them as they don’t know what they are doing….even if they do know but ignore to obey your laws.. God please have mercy on them. fellow belizeans this pope will be the first one to be thrown in hell… and all his followers.. everyone see him like their God but let me tell you all their is only one God and that is the Almighty. the bible says let us be the light in the darkness…if we are the followers of God then let us be light… where the holy spirit can dwell. because in unclean vessel the holy spirit cannot dwell.. please don’t be fool by antichrist. in the bible says that many will com saying that they are the God, healing..etc and teaching different doctrines but don’t be fooled these are the antichrists. to all the christian followers of God let us seek for our salvation and let us do what God commands…. at the end we will be with our father who is in Heaven.. IF THOSE WHO KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT AND IGNORE THEN IT IS THEM WITH GOD.
The Pope deferring to God to settle scores???
Paying $$$ to get off years in purgatory ain’t what it used to be.
Bring back the evangelical inquisition.
it is a fundamental right of christians to kill heretics, homos, and weak people.
Jesus commands it.
This is why murder is rampant in Belize, and why wanted murderers move here.
St. Belize, the pious, is the beacon for mayhem and criminals.
We love our government, which screws us most high.
hey ‘belizean’
do you actually think you begging God is going to make a difference?
Like you can influence the this big holy game?
BTW, Jesus owns the quote and has more pull, at least acknowledge the author.
if you are planning to crucify youself to prove your faith, take pictures, get video, or get help.
Louisville has the crosses, he/she/it can help.
Ask for the 300 footer, in the front yard.
It’s clear that few ppl listen & learn the lord’s gospel. The bottom line of God’s word is to love each other. Whatever sins we do, he will deal with us since he is the only one that can judge because he is pure. Who am I to judge? I am a sinner!!!! Are you a saint? the pope didn’t say that the gays are not commiting sins and that God accept it, do not twist the words. But lets be tolerant in the sense that we should act accordingly to God’s teachings.
Gays are aware that their acts are against God’s will as you are aware that you have done many things that are not acceptable also. Who are you to Judge? Lets be good examples to our families, our neighbors and the world, in that way we will be working to combat the evil that has the world possed with all kind of sins.
And speaking last week at a Un conference in South Africa about gay rights, noble prize winner, and former Archbishop, the 81 year old Desmond Tutu said,
“I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. … I mean I would much rather go to the other place [hell]. I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.”
seriously this people are not christians but fake ones, who in it’s right mind would say such blasphemy against God when calling himself a priest.
From one extreme to the next… Ahi tell you…people!
Pope, you are not called to judge, you are called to lead. Trying to be sainty here, how pathetic and passive! LEAD MEIN!!!
(“If a person is gay, seeks God and has goodwill, who am I to judge?” Francis said.)
He is alluding to what we and the churches have been saying all along. We are all human beings and should be treated with equal love and affection. We did not have any anti-bammers” march of shame! We are marching because under our constitution we have equal justice and we are not about to give anyone more special rights than we currently enjoy, over all others. It doesn’t work that way. Seeking God is a way to see the light and change into a better person. The Bishop is on the correct page and we are not about to cloudy the water by anyone wanting to give a total mis-understanding of what is being said. No one was out parading promoting a culture of intolerance and hate, and for someone to say this would be to deliberately trying to deceive or is totally misinform the world. Don’t do it! It’s a mischievous act and not a nice thing to do.
aigh ya yaigh!! revelation 17, 18, 19. even the church will embrace the new way of looking at this new ”love” of tolerance. we’ll see. only a matter of time now. 3.5 years in, the world will trun against the very church that changed it’s view to embrace the new way of the world. the abomination that leads to desolation.. see this gay thing, it’s all prophetic. it’s only a matter of time before it all manifests and escalate the end of the age. we’ll see.
aigh ya yaigh!! revelation 17, 18, 19. even the church will embrace the new way of looking at this new ”love” of tolerance. we’ll see. only a matter of time now. 3.5 years in, the world will trun against the very church that changed it’s view to embrace the new way of the world. the abomination that leads to desolation.. see this gay thing, it’s all prophetic. it’s only a matter of time before it all manifests and escalate the end of the age. we’ll see.
First of all. My Hebrew Israelite brothers and sisters. What are u all doing worshiping in pagans churches. Before we were put into captivity which is slavery Deuteronomy Chapter 28. We were the people whom the father gave the 10 Commandments to. God gave the 10 Commandments to Israel only. The 12 tribes of Israel. The sons of Jacob that went to captivity by ships, Read Deut chapter 28. We people in this part of the world are the real Jews. All the Black, Latinos, Native American Indians, Maya Indians, and the so called African American are the lost tribe of the children of Israel, So in Matthew15:24 Jesus said he was sent only to the house of the lost sheep’s of Israel. All those that went into Captivity, slavery. Psalms 147:19 THE FATHER SAID HE SHEWETH HIS WORD UNTO JACOB, HIS STATUETS AND HIS JUDGEMENTS UNTO ISRAEL. He the Father did not give Scriptures to the Gentiles nor the Samaritan All scriptures we know we learn from the slaves master, Homosexuality and Lesbianism is wrong, Belize constitution should stay as it is. Do not be influence by the Edomites the sons and daughters of Esau,which is America and many others. The Father will punish Belize, Remember we are part of the 12 tribes of Israel and the COMMANDMENTS WAS GIVEN TO ISRAEL NO OTHER NATION.
The pope is a homosexual himself. But he chose to be celibate and join the priesthood. Understandably, he knows how strong the urges of homosexuality is; it is real. I have interviewed many homos and every one of them said it is not a matter of choice. Homosexuality is real. It has been in existence for ever. My only concern is that most people won’t accept it as a birth defect. The only one thing we are certain about is that the purpose of every speicies is to procreate. Homosexuals can’t do that. The human speices is one of the few speices that derive ultimate pleasure from sex. Kudos to the pope for being celibate. Many of the clothe cannot and are beig charged daily for pedophilia. It is impossible for a straight person to feel what gays feel. The gays say its the same feeling except it is towards same sex. Judged from a moral point of view, many see gays as making a conscious choice for pervertion. Their DNA is srewed up, and there is nothing anyone can do about it even the pope. He made the right choice for himself to be celibate, but like every human beings he gets a woody once in a while, or at least he used to.
The pope may be a homosexual himself. But he choses to be celibate and join the priesthood. Understandably, he knows how strong the urges of homosexuality is; it is real. I have interviewed many homos and every one of them ( every man? ) said it is not a matter of choice. Homosexuality is real. It has been in existence for ever. My only concern is that most people won’t accept it as a birth defect. The only one thing we are certain about is that the purpose of every species is to procreate. Homosexuals can’t do that. The human species is one of the few species that derive ultimate pleasure from sex. Kudos to the pope for being celibate. Many of the clothe cannot and are being charged daily for pedophilia. It is impossible for a straight person to feel what gays feel. The gays say its the same feeling except it is towards same sex. Judged from a moral point of view, many see gays as making a conscious choice for perversion. Their DNA is screwed up, and there is nothing anyone can do about it even the pope. He made the right choice for himself to be celibate, but like every human beings he gets a woody once in a while, or at least he used to. Nature trumps God every time.
The most important part of the Pope’s words..( and…he searched for the Lord and has good will,)
The media deliberately left out this part to make it appear like if he is supporting the Gay community. How are we suppose to trust what the media tell us, and yes they are getting away with it because the majority of people don’t read these blogs.
@Amazed.. i laugh at your ignorance and stupidity. If one beg God, of course it can make a difference. I am 100% sure that when you find yourself in troubles, you run to God and ask for help. Your like a silly naive girl.. Also, this shouldn’t surprise you guys, after all, its coming from the catholic church; that heavy weight organization.
@Amazed.. i laugh at your ignorance and stupidity. If one beg God, of course it can make a difference. I am 100% sure that when you find yourself in troubles, you run to God and ask for help. Your like a silly naive girl.. Also, this shouldn’t surprise you guys, after all, its coming from the catholic church; that heavy weight organization.