Can a normal Belizean own 50 lots in Fresh Pond?
The Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Housing, Lawrence Sylvester, was escorted from the Ministry of Natural Resources by armed security last week. Reports are that Sylvester got rowdy over fifty lots in the Fresh Pond community written off by government. Those lots are reportedly being given to associates of Minister of Natural Resources, Gaspar Vega, for little or nothing. Now that’s pretty common place in the normal political scheme of things, but these lots also come with a structure on them, and that’s why the Ministry of Housing thinks it should have some say in what happens to those lots. News Five spoke to C.E.O. Sylvester who told us that he has been instructed to let sleeping dogs lie, and today Vega didn’t have much else to say, since he doesn’t deal with that petty stuff.
Gaspar Vega, Minister of Natural Resources
“I don’t have much to say about that indeed I don’t know what is the big issue as far as I am concerned I did nothing wrong. I don’t think anyone in the ministry I don’t think Mr. Sylvester has done anything wrong so I don’t have nothing to say.”
“Sir we understand that the project was meant to provide first time ownership to poor residents but U.D.P. higher ups were able to get opportunities riding along on this initiative, are you able to tell us anything on that?”
Gaspar Vega
“No, like I said I don’t have much to say and I will like to keep it that way.”
Mike Rudon
“Have the situation been resolved?”
Gaspar Vega
“Yes, I think so, I don’t get into those petty stuff.”
With nobody else willing to talk about the matter, we think it’s safe to say that the matter’s closed, at least within the halls of government.
At the rate that Gaspar Vega is stealing land, nothing will be left for other Belizeans. Belize is a very small place, and Gaspar and cohorts seem to own everything in sight.
These are the type of actions that cause bomb blast, kidnapping and sometimes even death in places like Honduras, Mexico and other parts of Latin America. As people that are fascinated by everything that is unBelizean, maybe one day, we will commence acting like Mexicans and Hondurans.
This man is an outright thief and his boss judas barrow is his accomplice they should both be arrested and put in jail but unu the poo people who these lands were to go to sit back and take another slap in the face by this corrupt thieving pm and gov.
Some times i wish we were living in other countries like Mexico so all these lawless, corrupt, and rotten politician go to jail where they belong. Sad to say only in Belize.
It is so funny (not really) to me that this current government campaigned on the platform of pro-poor policies and anti-corruption and now behold the face of raw and blatant corruption. This individual reminds me of the quote “There is something behind the throne greater than the King himself”-William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham. This is a festering cesspool of a country for leeches and parasites of this other and they feed off us the host with our consent and knowledge. This also illustrates the stupidity in our so call democracy on one hand you have the PUP and on the other the UDP so when one is in only their people will eat and when the other side is in the people that (even though they pay their taxes) had feasted before will starve; how in the heck do you call that serving the nation? “Damn Craven Why you so craven ?You just a fly down like raven Why you so craven ?You just a fly down like raven That’s not the way to behave, You have enough and still they prey You always taking away mine What make you have that trouble sometime ? You never want, you never need It’s just a dirty, greedy greed” – Israel Vibration- Why you so craven.
My best interpretation of Vega’s comment is that yes, he agrees that there is (was) graft, but it’s small — in the tens of thousands of dollars — so it’s not worthy of being labeled as a misdeed. ‘C’mon, talk to me about real money like the NCL three hundred million dollars.’ This calls to mind two things… three things, actually. It’s like denying that a woman is truly pregnant if she only has a bump, saying she’s just a little pregnant. Well, either you’re pregnant or you’re not. You can’t be a little pregnant. It also reminds my of the Car Fax ad that’s currently running on TV where the shyster says, “It’s just a scratch,” after being busted trying to pass off a lemon with a twisted chassis. And third, it seems that the longer pols stay in office the more they get inured to graft.
If I know Lawrence, he would have gone to Beverly’s office and censured her. He used to be her boss and so she would not have brooked a minute more of his eminence. He would then have been told from up top to stand down because… well, because the Party. The Party is above any and everything.
Isn’t the Office of the Accountant General independent? Or is a few hundred thousand dollars unworthy of investigative effort?
Another fine example of the fleecing of the Belizean Taxpayers. The money used to write off this housing project will ultimately be paid by the taxpayers, with interest, and yet the regular low income citizens who don’t currently own a piece of land, can’t even get a break. This current UDP government is corrupted to the core; and they will be voted out in the next general elections – then it will be the PUPs turn to fleece the Belizean taxpayers again. When will Belizean open their eyes and see that both UDP and PUP are corrupt. We need to try something else before it is too late.
The faithful are now fighting over the spoils of being a faithful and loyal member. Oh the spoils of politics! They are forgetting this was paid for by public funds. Bet if it was a rosewood pirate or a corrupt oil hustler it would not be petty stuff.
Mr. Vega please stop telling us lies, you need to be honest. Well that will take years for him to tell the truth. I know that I will not be voting again because each one of them think we are fools.
This is not petty stuff, anything that impacts the people is something. It is interesting how these politicians just blow the poor people off. Thank god for Mr Price who made many poor people homeowner. How sad for the poor people of this country, they are doomed to a life filled with nothing, because of the greed of these politicians.
I can’t stand the site of Vega, wish those Mexican cartels would come for his ass and give him and his abnormal family what they deserve.. Jail is not enough for what they are doing to our country.
Summer,If you don’t vote, you give them power. GrigaMan, don’t just talk,do something. Start a revolution. Use the internet like others did in other countries.
petty theft is for petty thieves.
This hefe overlord has bigger ambition.
Belize voted this garbage dump into Belmopan, and now it rots.
Until the people rise up, enjoy the stench.
How is GOB’s Nohmul road construction going?
I usually don’t agree with Rod, but we agree corruption has rotted the country.
Got to wonder if it will be around in a few years.
“I don’t have much to say” should be “got nothing honest to say.”
Yes he theif but does that make John briceno innocent. Wake up you fools , we all get we bottom tek. If you curse vega curse briceno just as much.
Vega and Barrow da just like Ralph and Said. I honestly no see the difference between PUP and UDP. All of dem thief and then NORMAL Belizeans unike Vega who no normal (must be his extra big head that makes him abnormal) have to stand in line for hours at the MIn of Natural Resources.
.”For people who are not normal and take a hell of a lot, greed knows no end so they he don’t get into those petty stuff.” He just take, and take and take!
This is just sickening! How arogant can one greedy politician be? Why can’t or should I say won’t the news houses get that list of names and how much they paid for the lots? Publish that and follow the money trail.
…and it continues to happen….and the PM never knows anything about the crimes against the Belizean people…and who continues to defend the criminals who ride in SUV’s and in AC and behind tinted glasses…