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Sep 25, 2013

Minister Hulse says there will be no attempt to whitewash crime under his watch

Godwin Hulse

And while the PSU draws attention to the nationality process, Minister of Immigration Godwin Hulse today asked for patience. He offered no new information, only proclaiming that there will be no attempt to whitewash the matter under his watch. He also took credit for the measures in place which brought this matter to light. That’s his version at least. What we do know is that despite those measures in place, a Belizean passport was expedited to South Korean Kim Won-Hong on September ninth. Won-Hong’s nationality certificate was processed on September second. Both the certificate and the passport application were signed by Minister Penner. That passport was delivered to Taiwan. It came to the attention of authorities in Belize only when the Honduras Embassy in Taipei sent is back to Belize with queries. Still, Hulse says they are conducting the investigation in the proper manner to cover all bases.


Via Phone: Godwin Hulse, Minister of Immigration

“When I took the ministry as the substantive ministry after the Williams Dyck fiasco, put in place certain rules and regulations including management of documents. And this is what has enabled us to get so far. As you may have recalled, during the nonsense, the fiasco, with William Dyck—it’s not nonsense; it is a serious matter—we couldn’t even find the documentation. So there was no way we could even pin anything on anybody; it was all hearsay. Our process has at least led us to this point where we could have hold of sufficient documentations to be able to move forward with this process. There is also some penalties that was built into the regulations that I signed into law couple months ago and those will take effect as we progress with this. But what I want to say to assure you and the public is that this is being handled very critically, very tentatively, but there is going to be no, absolutely no, attempt under my watch to whitewash anything. I am dead set to uphold the integrity of the Belizean passport and the nationality of Belizeans.”


Today, Hulse also confirmed that the suspension of the three immigration staffers has only been recommended, not carried out. He says only the Public Services Commission can suspend public officers.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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9 Responses for “Minister Hulse says there will be no attempt to whitewash crime under his watch”

  1. belize first class says:

    he has a point.
    they are so brazen, why bother with a cover up?
    thIS UDP TV comedy show is hard to beat, better than Hollywood, tru reality TV.

  2. belize first class says:

    BTW, how is that Hezbollah passport investigation going?
    or the late night Japanese or Chinese airport landing from Haiti, ………………..
    Or the future PM, Mr. Mello.

    with so many investigations going on with no conclusions on any, hard to keep them straight.
    good to know there are no cover ups going on.
    I am sure every Belizean believes that when they pray before going to bed, secure in the knowledge.

  3. belize first class says:

    >He says only the Public Services Commission can suspend public officers.

    can they suspend elected officers to?

  4. Karim says:

    Hulse took credit for the measures HE PUT in place which he felt brought this matter to light. REALLY??? What we do know is that despite those measures in place, a Belizean passport was expedited to South Korean Kim Won-Hong on September ninth, and if it wasn’t for the Honduras Embassy in Taipei WHO sent is back to Belize with queries, nobody would have known about it! lol The pass port slipped through Hulse complete security measures and was delivered, so how effective were those measures…lol

  5. Belizean Pride says:

    i want to see you keep your words mr. hulse since all corrupted ministers are hustlers.

  6. cayobway says:

    dis man so full ah s$^% dat even up to ee eye dem brown

  7. Rufus says:

    Seems like Mr. Hulse had bigger balls when he was in the private sector. Enough of the BS, we want answers. Stop whitewashing.

  8. ceo says:

    Is this a joke? How the heck the measures put in place to stop this type of crime worked if the only reason they found out about it is because the package was sent to the wrong embassy and only when it was returned that this all came to light? Really Godwin?

  9. Citizen says:

    We don’t want to suspend ministers, we DEFINATELY NEED TO EXPELL NEARLY ALL OF THEM! We need to ask for a COMISSION OF INQUIRY to INVESTIGATE all of them from 2007 to now and see how their lives have change, not because of the 65 gran we pay them, but because of the under table perks. lol IT’S NOT A JOKE!

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