Elvin Penner says he isn’t resigning and he is coming home on Sunday
Prime Minister Dean Barrow left the country today for Los Angeles California and was hoping that he would have accepted Elvin Penner’s resignation from the U.D.P. and as area representative for Cayo Northeast. Well, Elvin has left the building…but contrary to reports that he will not be coming back to Belize to face the music in the passport scandal, he says that he will return this Sunday. Penner drove across the western border into Guatemala last Friday afternoon, where he is allegedly getting treatment for hypertension and headaches. In a press briefing on Tuesday, Barrow revealed that he had, in his words, invited Penner to resign. The Prime Minister also said that the U.D.P. will be bringing down campaign banners in Cayo Northeast which encouraged residents not to sign the recall petition initiated by the People’s United Party. Barrow in effect slammed shut the party doors, stating that Penner is no longer wanted in the U.D.P., and it would be neater if he just quietly walked off into the sunset without a murmur. That is because there was information of more irregularities in the Immigration Department involving the former minister of state. Well…while Penner isn’t murmuring just yet, he is texting from Guatemala. On Tuesday night, he told News Five by phone that he is not resigning and will consult with his constituents. Penner, at least for now, has turned down the PM’s invitation to resign. In a text sent to the media today, Penner states, (Quote) “I will not resign unless my people want me to. At this point in time the support I am getting is still overwhelming and it is not going to be any other than my people that can ask me to resign…and I at this point still feel that the people in my area will not allow me to resign. I will continue to serve my people as long as they want me to, to the best of my ability.” (Unquote) So from the looks of it, Penner isn’t taking on the P.M.’s invitation. He says the people will decide.
Looks like BS, smells like BS. He is upholding his part of the deal. He keeps the seat out of PUP hands, Barrow keeps him out of the hands of the law. And he keeps his hymn book tucked away. He will not sing Contreras. He will not sing Saldivar. He will not sing Montero. No, not today and not as long as they keep him out of the hands of the law. See King Dean, we may not be Special Belizeans, but we are not as dumb as u think.
Oh soh now Penner has something to say to the people of Belize?..come on man….we can see right thru you and your are not sincere…where is the public apology to the Belizean people?? where is your sense of remorse?? nothing!…you dont deserve the support of the people whom you betrayed…just to as you are told and resign..plain and simple..
Well guess what penner the people want you in jail along with the pm and all his corrupt ministers but you should be locked up immediately as you return to Belize.
This is a big farce. Barrow knows this man wouldn’t step down anda he wouldn’t want him to, especially since the majority of the house or representative is at stake. Penner is simply taking one for the team and is allowing the administration to flag him for it’s wide spread corruption, I’m sure he will be richly rewarded for his loyalty and the sacrifice he’s making.
If Barrow wasn’t looking to still support Penner, he wouldn’t have asked the people of Cayo to hold to a Penner as a their rep, by bribing them with promises of new spending.
If Barrow really wanted to expel this man & had the people of Cayo in mind, wouldn’t he have called for a recall election and present a new UDP candidate, one with scruples ?
Why would he look to spend uncontrollably in cayo while he has a corrupt person is in office, yet he don’t care about any of the areas which are being managed by opposition members ?
Think people….
why did he feel the need to emphasis that if Penner don’t quit there’s nothing his Administration can do?
If you needed further proof that this is all BS you only have to look back in history. Remember when Barrow wanted to get rid of the then mayor of Belize City, Moya. Recall how Barrow treated her and the steps he took, just for a public apology.
That’s right Penner, stand your ground. If you resign then Barrow has to resign too to avert double standarding. Not to condone your deeds, but if you have been improper then Barrow too has been improper. He has channeled even more funds to himself via a circuitous route: government coffers–>his ex–>his children–>himself (inheritance laws et alia by default). He also looted the Treasury of half a million before the last g-elections to bribe the voting constituents. And this is what we know about. Barrow is like the one brother obsessed with the speck in his brother’s eye while walking around with a grimy two-by-four in his own eye. Grab the latest edition of the Oxford pictorial dictionary, look up the word ‘hypocrite,’ and tell us whose picture you see.
The PM is double talking. I kicked you out of government, I kicked you out of UDP party, but the people are the ones who can decide if they want you. Understand, you are still the representative of your constituency, and no one can take you out of that. You are still safe Penner, so don’t rat us out! Keep the peace, I tried to cover up, no I didn’t try to cover up. We have no evidence on which to convict him, no… new evidence have emerged. We have corrupt hostlers in our government, no I take offence to people saying that. I will support Penner in Cayo NE by sending in the goons and we are going to be aggressive, no I didn’t say I will support Penner. Penner did no wrong, no I didn’t say Penner didn’t do anything wrong. Penner is being investigated, no I didn’t say Penner is being investigated. We were campaigning in Cayo over the weekend, spending government money by bussing in the supporters and feeding them, no we have a change of heart as new evidence have surface.
This is the biggest flip flapper we have ever seen as the ruler of a country, and people of Cayo NE are still scarred, to get these criminals out of office. Mercy on to our souls! They should be signing in droves without anyone having to go look for them.
I no blame penner one bit for refusing to resign. Why only he fi resign? Di whole bunch a deh dutty so he should play crazy and stay right weh he de. Sorry fi pup but they need to continue with the recall process and if they succeed then they know they have a chance fi win the bi-election. Dis da wah good pre-test fi really measure di mood of di people. Ah wah see if all them projects do govt promise will still come through inna di area.
Make sure you bring the Meat Processing and Meat Packing Plants you promised the voters of Cayo Northeast along with the 500 jobs Penner!! That should only cost a “lee bit” of money compared to the millions you got from selling passports. We’ll be waiting…….WE miss you Godless Man.
Penner needs to check with the Guatemalizeans who he illegally assisted in turning Belizeans in order to make any decisions.
Penner; cross the floor and take one of your udp cronies with you and voilå you have an election and you tell the whole story (the truth this time) and you become the hero and you can ride into the sunset. Good luck any other way
Come on Penner. Just do ALL the right thing. Sing your song. Tell us who else was involved. Tell us where the “other” immigration offices are. Why take this on your own.
Maybe the Belizean people should request that FEDS hold Barrow in LA for aiding terrorist aquire Belizean Citizenship to enter the US.
Advice for ; Penner come clean and tell all the truth to the world, take them all down that pushed you into this corruption, this saves your SOUL from going to HELL, and you will regain respect for you and the Menonite community, you my even get elected again because you told the truth!!!!!
It looks like Penner did do wrong. BUT STILL we don’t want NO PUP!!! Cayo Northeast still believes the UDP is the better party for Cayo and for the Nation. So all you PUPs who think that it will change…think again. Recall or no recall…we want UDP!
Penner, walk away quietly, and never ever enter into politics again. You do not have the honesty nor the integrity to sit in that honorable house, along with many of your colleagues whose names will come out before this thing blow over. All you guys are making Belize the laughing stock of the world, when they see all BS you all keep saying. How do you think all this make your kids feel when they have to go to school, and other think that everything they have, WAS STOLEN? Have you ever had a conscience?
Penner still has not figured out he is the fall guy, the UDP scape goat, the sin eater for the party.
bon appetite, Honorable Penner,
enjoy the gristle, special from Barrow
he needs to be punished for what he did. it is a crime and he should have been arrested for mean while investigations happen but only in Belize this things happen and they can get away with it. hmm so much of a shame for belize.