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Oct 18, 2013

Elvin Penner says he signed documents that appeared legit

Elvin Penner

Former Minister of State Elvin Penner re-enters the country on Sunday from Guatemala where he says he has been getting medical attention and accompanied his mother who is recovering from surgery. Penner confirmed that again via phone today. But while he turned down a recorded interview, the former minister of state told News Five that next week; he will meet his people to determine their will. Thereafter he will meet with the Prime Minister to deliver his decision in person. Penner says that will be done within two weeks. When asked about reports that his Cayo Northeast committee also wants his resignation, Penner said only that he knows that the Committee wants to meet with him, and he will do that next week. Earlier this week though, the U.D.P. Cayo North East constituency said it wants fresh elections. Of course, we also took the opportunity to ask about those nationality documents which keep turning up with his signature. On Thursday, News Five visited the address listed on two of those nationality certificates, and it was an empty lot. Penner denied acknowledgement of those documents, but told us that certificates come to him already prepared by nationality personnel, and if they look legitimate, he signs.  And finally, we slipped in a question about his colleagues, some of whom are allegedly involved in the institutionalized hustle at immigration. Interestingly enough, Penner told us that the normal reaction in these circumstances would be to talk and bring down other ministers, but he will not do that. Notice that he did not deny the institutionalized hustle or the involvement of other ministers. Penner begged off the call after that, but told us that his actions now will be dictated first by his family, and then his party, as he remains loyal to both.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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9 Responses for “Elvin Penner says he signed documents that appeared legit”

  1. RedBwai says:

    Ohhh but dah weh dis now sah??….lame excuse minista…means u neva mi the do the job u were and is still being paid to do!…so Penner is in the business of signing documents without reading them hmmm…strange…now he is putting the blame on the nationality department he must mean the low ranking petty clerks who receives nationality applications….the blame is on you Penner!! face the music dont caste blame on no one else but yourself…

  2. Rod says:

    Why is this man not locked up we the people of this country demand that this man be locked up for being a traitor to this country and bribery and corruption if he is not locked up then the pm and all involved should be locked up immediately.

  3. criminal magnet says:

    yea, I always sign undated government documents.
    I do what I am told to do. Barrow, Hulse and all the cabinet members are my hefe. I get my cut.

    Kim? oh yeah we are best of friends, known him for years.

    He is a crook like me. Ch5 says he is in prison, I am not. I am going to get away with this, nobody in Belize can stop me. I learn from the best criminal minds.

    Empty lot? who would have known.
    In my mind it was a beautiful home.
    maybe I wrote the address wrong.

    He has never been to Belize?
    it must have been his twin brother I am best of friends with.
    I got more lies if you have the time and patience.

  4. criminal magnet says:

    >>he told us that his actions now will be dictated first by his family, and then his party, as he remains loyal to both.

    NOTICE: the country of Belize did not make HIS list of priorities.

  5. Concern says:

    Penner only sign documents that appears legit. This is truly a joke! We are sure he sign anything and everything on which he is sure the money have already been delivered. He doesn’t have time to check anything the trade was to lucrative to do that with runners running back and forth.

    He took the time out to send a message to the others, by saying the obvious thing is to rat them out. He didn’t deny their involvement, just said; “The normal reaction in these circumstances would be to talk and bring down other ministers.” Let’s see what he will say when just he alone is face with jail sentence, that is….if PM will try again to cover up this corruption and lock off the investigation from taking place! Everything was written on the documents were fabricated because these people whom Penner was signing for, never ever set foot in Belize.

  6. Guerra says:

    We do believe Ms. Murga was scanning the news yesterday, because after channel 7 broke the visa scandal and showed a picture of her in a friendly setting in CUBA, she scrambled immediately to remove the two photo she had posted of herself and Wayne. Not only that, a few minutes later she remove her whole Facebook web page…lol It’s called closing the pen after the cat have already been released. : )

  7. Geez! says:

    No MORE lies Penner! You put the Devil to SHAME you Godless Man! AND memba now when you come visit my home in Cayo Northeast mek sure you detail to me exactly how you will create that Meat Processing and Meat Packing Plant and 500 jobs that you promised at election….I’ll be waiting!

  8. belizeanheat says:

    wow, Penner has a great talent, he can look at a document and tell you if it is legit or not.
    He just admitted that he “rubber stamps” documents. If you are not going to take the proper care you shouldn’t have signing authority. You are signing YOUR NAME to it.

    Mr. Penner, you got caught hustling passports and everyone knows it. Man up, admit it and move on. This song and dance you are performing isn’t fooling anyone and just makes you look ridiculous.

  9. Nekko92 says:

    I’ve read a lot of post regarding this “Passport Scandal,” and how Mr. Penner received $120K USD for this.

    I don’t know about you guys, but based on my understanding to get for e.g…. Tier 1 (Investors Visa)- an investor has to invest $1M in Belize and get residency for 5 years. And after those 5 years he/she can right away apply for his Belizean Nationality. And also, if an Investor invests in Belize more than $10M he gets a residency for 2 years, and after those 2 years he/she can apply for his Nationality. – This applies also to other countries (USA, UK, Europe, etc…)

    So what about this guys (Wong Hong)? Did he wait at least 2 years to get his nationality? No, right? So, don’t be fooled. Those $120KUSD only cover the trip to Taiwan.

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