Prognosis guarded for electric shock victim
On May thirtieth we aired the traumatic experience of young David Bahadur, the construction worker from Punta Gorda was left with horrific burns to more than half his body following an accident on the job. This morning, I visited with Bahadur to find out how he and his family are coping with their new reality.
Jacqueline Godwin, Reporting
Twenty-three year old David Bahadur has undergone three major surgeries after he accidentally touched a high tension wire with an aluminium pole. As a result, the young man received third degree burns to his hands and legs to the point where his doctors had to amputate his right leg.
Two days ago Bahadur was transferred from Western Regional Hospital in Belmopan to the K.H.M.H. in Belize City. Doctors are working hard to save the victim?s left leg and both hands.
David Bahadur, Victim of Electric Shock
?No, I no have no feeling in this hand but I can move it and the next one the same thing. No feelings in my hands them.?
Jacqueline Godwin
?And what about your left leg??
David Bahadur
?Well that I feel pain in that everyday, even right now.?
K.H.M.H. general surgeon Doctor Emerson Munguia says his patient is lucky to be alive because usually seven out of ten patients die from similar injuries. The good news is Mungia expects his patient to recover clinically and although he will need to undergo more surgeries to repair tissue damage, he should eventually regain use of his hands and leg.
Dr. Emerson Mungia, General Surgeon, K.H.M.H.
?The patient needs about four to six skin graphs and then I think the patient has good evolution. Well his prognosis? Depend on the psychological affliction too, because he lost the right leg and enough where the patient needs skin graph. The evolution depends on the psychological affliction. For surgery, it is a good evolution; I think the patient has good evolution after skin graph and then he needs psychological therapy.?
But tonight it is clear that Bahadur?s recovery from the psychological trauma will play a crucial role in his quality of life. Bahadur says he knows he will never be able to live a normal life again but it is especially hard on the family because his common law wife Delcia Coleman, is five months pregnant with their first child.
David Bahadur
?Well I just pray to God, and my family here and that keeps me up. I don?t really worry again because according to what the doctor is saying he could save the leg and he no really have to cut the hand anymore and everything will be alright so I am not worried that much again.?
Cancy Ramclam, Adopted Mother
?Yes, that is what we think but if we if see that nothing is happening after a while we will have to get behind them to further his treatment. Because right now his fingers don?t have any feelings; he can?t even eat his own food we have to be there to feed him. This doctor is really attentive and everything, so I think with time.?
At the time of the incident, Bahadur was at a worksite replacing a roof on a two storey building. This afternoon, Cancy Ramclam denies reports that her son was using an aluminium pole to pick mangoes and explains why she believes Belize Electricity Limited is partly responsible for the accident.
Cancy Ramclam
?Well the lady told me that B.E.L. always went to trim the tree and she told them that it was time to trim the tree again. I don?t know but that is what they said. But B.E.L., if they always trim the tree they should know that the tree is ready to trim because they pass it every time. It is right in Punta Gorda Town on the main, the middle of the town. When he threw down the pipe then he was going to get the mango according to him and the other workers. After he threw down the pipe he was going to pick the mango because it wasn?t high it was right above his head so he never really needed a pipe to pick a mango.?
Today, B.E.L. informed News Five that their investigations have revealed that in fact, the pole did not make contact with the low voltage insulated line that ran through the mango tree. But the company says the pole did touch a high voltage line situated above the fruit tree. B.E.L. says it regrets the incident and appeals to property owners to utilize the services they offer to prevent such accidents. However, Ramclam claims she has been trying to get B.E.L.?s assistance on another matter but to no avail.
Cancy Ramclam
?And myself have a low wire in my yard and from a year ago I am behind them to come and put the wire a little higher because the cows can come and pull it with their horn or the children can haul it down with a stick. And they are waiting for something bad to come and fix it that is what I think.?
Tonight the family does need help financial help for the months of treatment that lay ahead for David Bahadur.
Cancy Ramclam
?Because he house has a little house, but he has steps and I have to break it down and put it flat so he could get in and out of it. He needs a wheelchair and a lot of different things so if I could get help from the public it would be very good.?
If you would like to help David Bahadur you can contact him at K.H.M.H. telephone number 203-3962. Cancy Ramclam can be reached at telephone number 722-2034. You can also make financial contributions into Belize Bank account number 1629. Meanwhile B.E.L. has promised to inspect the Ramclam property in Punta Gorda regarding any possible hazards.