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Oct 28, 2013

Attorney says police cannot intervene in civil matter

As we mentioned earlier in the newscast, on Saturday Police gave an undertaking that they would not act until a meeting with Rodwell Williams and the Young family is convened. The bone of contention is a small piece of land on the family property on Cemetery Lane. Williams claims to own the property, and he has authorized the placement of a shack on it. The family completely disputes that. The shack was left on the property, and the Young family agreed to not touch it until the resolution of the matter. But the Police were back in force this afternoon, this time escorting a contractor hired by Rodwell Williams to attach a roof onto the shack. Again, the family was up in arms and things got a little heated. The Police claim they are acting on the strength of a title held by Williams, while the family holds a valid title to the land, which has been in their possession for decades. Attorney Audrey Matura maintains that the police have no right to act on behalf of Rodwell Williams against the Young family.


Audrey Matura-Shepherd, Attorney for Young Family

Audrey Matura-Shepherd

“What happened, I was called out Saturday to go to the family who lives on Cemetery Lane. To my shock and surprise, there was actually police and B.D.F. trying to enforce someone’s claim over land. And when I say trying to enforce someone’s claim is because there was no court judgment. Usually if the police can, they can go and enforce a court judgment. There was no such court judgment. I don’t know where in this country that the police and the B.D.F. believe that they can adjudicate a land dispute. Mister Rodwell Williams is saying it is his title and the family is saying there is no way because they have always owned it and they never sold him anything. So clearly they will dispute the validity of that title. That is a matter for the courts; not the police. So today again when I was called again and told that the police is out there again to ensure that they could continue the construction and putting the roof on this little house, I was amazed because the last conversation I had with the police last Saturday when I intervened was with Inspector Villanueva, who gave me his word that they would not touch anything. And I gave him my word that my clients will not touch the structure they already placed there provided that we meet today Monday. He said that he would bring in the other party; which was Mister Rodwell Williams and my clients to discuss it. And I waited all day and I did not get a phone call. When I kept calling him, his phone went straight to voicemail so it wasn’t on. So when I heard he was out there, I said one he breached his undertaking if he doesn’t know the value of that as a law officer. And two, where is the meeting. And really three, it is not for the police to decide who is right or wrong. They should have never used their power to go and enforce anything on those people’s property. That is where we are now. We are going to move and see all our legal recourse for the family. But I want this nation to know that police cannot intervene in a civil matter unless they are enforcing a court order. They CAM deal with a criminal matter; this is not a criminal matter.”


The Police left the scene this afternoon after the family again displayed its title to the land to the officer in charge. The contractor hired by Williams had a title in hand which shows Williams as the owner of the small parcel at the front. But the family maintains that Williams’ title is not valid, since their title has been in effect for decades, and no portion of the land has ever been sold to Williams. News Five tried to reach Williams for comment, but he was in court all afternoon. 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Attorney says police cannot intervene in civil matter”

  1. Sick and Tired of Them says:

    Well from Dean Barrow’s own mouth, we know that Rodwell’s title is bogus and a product of corruption. Barrow admit that corruption is ingrained in the Lands department, and you can buy a title to someone else’s property just like a Visa.
    Now we are talking about Dean Barrow’s ace boom coom. Of course they going to issue him a title to strong arm what he wants. He has the money and he is the right hand of the Dictator. That’s the UDP way they take what they want, and no real effort to cover it up, any little forgery will do as you have no right under this DICTATORSHIP to question it. They use the Police and Military just as Fidel or Adolf would, as their own private enforcers.

  2. belizeanheat says:

    The Police are nothing more than mob enforcers for Barrow and his cronies.
    I know how the police work, you don’t co operate and they will haul you off to jail for ” insulting words” or some other nonsense charge.

  3. Amazed says:

    Much ado about nothing.

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