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Oct 30, 2013

Canadian woman is stabbed more than eight times inside her house in Consejo

Patricia Lynn Nichiporowich

There is a brutal murder to report tonight; a Canadian woman was stabbed to death at her house sometime on Tuesday evening. Her body was found in a pool of blood in her living room. Neighbors say they heard screams but did not see anyone entering the house of Patricia Lynn Nichiporowich who had been living in the Consejo area in the outskirts of Corozal Town since May first. Her common-law left for Canada earlier this week and she was home alone when her life was cut short. Her killers apparently entered the secured house from the rear and police found footprints as well as the murder weapon.  


Duane Moody, Reporting

Consejo Shores….it is an area habituated primarily by foreign nationals who retire after years of work and migrate to the jewel to bask in the peace and tranquility the location has to offer. It is a widespread community located approximately seven miles northeast of Corozal Town. But on Tuesday night just before seven o’clock, that serenity was shattered when the body of fifty-seven year old Canadian national, Patricia Lynn Nichiporowich was found with multiple stab wounds.


It is day one in the investigation being conducted by investigators from the Corozal Police Formation.


ASP Daniel Arzu, Deputy Commander, Corozal Police Formation

“We received information of an incident at Consejo Village here at Corozal District. We responded to the information received. There we arrived at a two storey concrete building. We conducted an investigation and we realized that access was not possible given the fact that the building was secured. It has one stair which carries a metal door which was locked. We made entrance to the building via a ladder and inside we observed a Caucasian female, woman, on the floor in the living room faced down in what appears to be blood apparently dead. So we conducted inquires and nobody was around, the building was secured.”


It is believed the culprits gained access to the property from the rear. Footprints on the wall leading to the second floor indicate that the attacker or attackers scaled the side of the building to gain entrance. There is where the home invasion and foiled burglary turned deadly when the killer encountered Nichiporowich inside her house. Police say that the burglary was averted when neighbors heard screams coming for the house.


ASP Daniel Arzu

“The motive as it is right now is still undetermined, but what my assessments so far it seems to be a home invasion and with the quick response of the neighbors, I believe that the person who attempted that entry or persons who gained entry to that building were extremely distracted and they had to quickly flee that scene. They were distracted by the presence of the neighbors. From information gathered, the neighbors were alerted by screaming, by yelling—a form of panic yelling and they responded because you see those people in that area are much into that neighborhood watch activities and so they responded. And when they responded, the person or persons attacking were distracted and they probably fled. We observed that they have I-pods, cell phones; expensive stuff within the premise and that tells us that it has to be distraction even if the persons were there to rob or steal, I am sure that they were distracted by the response of the neighbors who live nearby.”


Daniel Arzu

A stainless steel eight-inch blade knife, believed to be the murder weapon, was retrieved from the scene. Nichiporowich and her common-law had been renting in the area since May of this year and she was to relocate to San Ignacio shortly.


ASP Daniel Arzu

“She had a partner who is out of the country right now. I understand that he might have departed the country on Monday and she stayed back preparing to migrate to San Ignacio in the Cayo District. We very much as well know that the people residing in Consejo, foreigners or people who are naturalized Belizeans are very corporative and we know that they will assist with this investigation. And again we rely on the public to give us that assistance to take us somewhere in this investigation.”


Anyone with information that can assist with this latest homicide in Corozal is asked to please contact the nearest police station or crime stoppers Belize at 0-800-922-TIPS. Duane Moody for News Five.


Nichiporowich’s son, who is in Thailand is expected to arrive in Belize later this week. 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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8 Responses for “Canadian woman is stabbed more than eight times inside her house in Consejo”

  1. easy says:

    This is total BS you invite these people to Belize just for them to loose there lives over material things if that was the motive I would advise people not to go to Belize it is dangerous and there is no Justice and I am a Belizean who is tired off the Murders ( unsolved Murders ) I always wanted to move back home when I retire but I don’t think so I am Scared Periodthey dont only rob you they murder you wOw for material thing that will only be relevant for a short period in a year or two those thing will be out of style or become old but they kill someones child someones mother someones sister for it how savage are we going to Become I hate to see this In the country of Belize but it seems like the whole country is being over run by crooks from the to to the bottom THIS SUCKS !!! bigtime

  2. crime haven says:

    got to wonder why foreigners are thinking about moving to Belize.
    expats are marked, usually their local friend & help for hire do them in.
    20-30 murdered over the last six years?

  3. Rod says:

    Here we go again how many murders has to happen before the belizean people kick out this incompetent impotent pm and gov tell me people what will it take to wake unu up will it take the murder of one of your family members to wake unu up we need to get rid of the useless pm and gov.

  4. MIZZ BARROW says:

    Ah, life imitates the movies. Husband pays to have wife murdered. Why? Insurance $$$ baby, insurance. But don’t do it, until I am in Canada. Seal tight alibi. The insurance company will be forced to cough 0up the dough………….. on the spot.

    I love the drama.

  5. Louisville,Ky says:

    It is sad and regrettable when anyone looses their life, especially if it’s murder. So even though I do not know the Victim’s family, my heartfelt condolences go out to them.

    @ easy, it doesn’t matter where you live. It is unfortunate that the Jewel we knew and left behind has changed drastically and for the worst but, so is the entire inhabited earth. You see, Satan the Devil run things and don’t believe for one moment he has exempted Belize from his wrath.
    Good news is that it will, eventually get better but, it will get worst before a Government by God and Christ straighten things out.

  6. Jay says:

    The only thing that makes sense is that the murderers were locals recognizable to the woman, and they must have been scoping the place since they knew when the husband was not going to be in the house. Local police will do nothing to investigate possible neighbors who could be the killers. This one story alone I predict is going to reduce retirees more than 50% in the next short time, belize is going to then go bankrupt and sell itself off to the globalist world bank, imf, oecd who will bring in the leader who obeys them. Belize is lost without a civil war and bringing back the death penalty and clear gun ownership for all citizens and legal residents over 25.

  7. canadian belizian says:

    Having lived in Corozal for 10 years now it brings me great sadness that a fellow canadian seeking the warmth and beauty of belize has been brutaly killed.Corozal is a small place and these guys should be caught.problem is the last few years Ive noticed the city bad boys moving around into small towns and bringing belize cities crime through out the country.time to bring back capital punishment and deal with these parasites of belize.Belize is blessed of God and I dont know many countries that have a national prayer and have the bible in the school studies.belize has so much beauty and wonder ,,its a shame that people have to veiw it from this negetive perspective,,,,there is murders everyday in Vancouver and surrey is full of gangs killing themselves,,unfortunatly that is the world we live in today.It is a sad day for Consejo Shores and my heart goes out to the family and may Gods Holy Spirit comfort them in this time of need,,,,,My question is how did these murderers know of this lady house ,,did they case consejo shores by boat or did they do labour work there lately ,,,police in Corozal need to get these murderers.they should quit shaking down every weed smoker for a few bucks and deal with the serious crime like this murder,,,,,

  8. CA says:

    I think Mizz Barrow may have something there! Seems like love gone bad in Paradise…Is the partner coming back to claim her body? Why is he leaving it to the son? Nothing apparently stolen in a “robbery”?
    She had her bags packed and ready to move to Cayo? Husband left “day before?” humm….
    I don’t believe this is about Consejo Shores…however it does demonstrate paradise is not exempt from the sorted goings on of “love gone bad”…My hope is the focus shifts from the robbery motive so that this woman’s family experiences some level of justice.

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