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Nov 11, 2013

The United Nations’ Global Gender Gap Report 2013

A recently issued report by the United Nations shows that in respect of important indicators, Belize has regressed. The Global Gender Gap Report 2013 provides a comprehensive overview of current performance over the last eight years by a number of countries.  Notably, no country in the world has achieved gender equality. But of the one hundred and ten countries covered in period 2006 – 2013, eighty-six percent have improved their performance, while fourteen percent have widening gaps which means that important indicators have fallen. But few countries, in fact fifteen out of one hundred and ten, have regressed.  Belize finds itself in this category and has fallen significantly in ranking by five places.  Belize is the lowest performing country from the region in indicators on enrolment in primary education and the Women in Parliament. As it stands today, there is only female elected member in the House.  Some key points are:  Ranking per region in Latin America and the Caribbean, Belize is ranked one hundred and seven.  When measured by economic participation and opportunity, Belize is ranked eighty. Measuring by Educational attainment, Belize is ranked one hundred and three.   Amazingly, in health and survival, Belize is among a host of countries ranked as one, but in political empowerment, we plunged to one hundred and thirty-three.  In 2009, Belize was ranked overall at eighty-seven and that ranking has plunged to a hundred and seven out of one hundred and thirty-three. So except for health, there is a significant fall in all aspects of the indicators measured.

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