Nurses meet to discuss role in Belizean medical care
As the national health care system grapples to deal with the needs of Belizean patients, today the Nurses Association of Belize met to discuss their role in medical care.
According to Isabel Bennett, President of the Nurses Association, the CARICOM Single Market and Economy can contribute positively to Belizean society.
Isabel Bennett, President of the Nurses Association of Belize
?One of the main things that comes out is the fact that nurses will need to have opportunities for continued education. Second thing it will force us in a position to enact our Nurses and Midwives Act and that in itself binds us to sixty hours of continued education and today is just one of the occasions where nurses can obtain those hours in order to have real licensing to be able to practice in the country. So the bottom line is that continued education and upgrading at all levels will be one of the primary things coming out.?
?Research indicates that continued education does have an impact on the attitudes and behaviour of nurses and at the end of all of that besides the personal development is that the patients, our clients, get better care at the end.?
?We know that there are many factors that infringe on the quality of care that we deliver to our client, and we also know that resources are very scarce, but we know that through collaboration and continuing to maintain the standards of care is key.?
Today’s conference ended with a general meeting of the Nurses’ Association of Belize at the Princess Hotel and Casino.