V.I.P. says it’s heading to court to get to the bottom of the immigration scandal
While a number of procedural changes have been implemented by the Immigration Department in light of the recent passport and visa scandals, an update on subsequent investigations, led by the Financial Intelligence Unit, the police department and the Ministry of Immigration, has not been forthcoming. In fact, there hasn’t been much said by government about the progress of the respective inquiries. So, Vision Inspired by the People, in an effort to sort out the mess that has occurred in the wake of what is now being called Pennergate, is filing a writ of mandamus against Prime Minister Dean Barrow. The judicial remedy is an order from the Supreme Court for government to do what it is obliged under law to do. In this case, get to the bottom of the ministerial wrongdoings. According to VIP’s public relations officer, Robert Lopez, they are in the process of taking legal action against the government.
Robert Lopez, Public Relations Officer, VIP
“We’ve seen all efforts fail, perhaps we can say. The two motions filed by Senator Shoman to try to get a senate inquiry fell through. We haven’t heard from the FIU, come on three months of ongoing investigation and nothing. We haven’t heard from the police. We haven’t heard from the immigration minister and that department as to what took place. So here we are closing the year with all this cloud of suspense, not knowing really what took place. So we sought the advice of an attorney. What else can we possibly do in fighting this corruption? And we were told a writ of mandamus, file it in in the Supreme Court and it would immediately mandate or obligate the prime minister to first of all put the Integrity Commission in place because we need to have that. Once that is done then we can go after each elected person who has failed to disclose. We want to know how come the FIU, whose job it is to financially investigate persons finances, cannot tell us if Penner unlawfully enriched himself in the issuing of a fraudulent passport and immigration [status] to fugitive Kim, you know. So, this morning we launched what we’re calling the Belize Anti-Corruption Fund. This first initiative will take about ten thousand [dollars] and it’s sad that the Belizean people will have to go into their pockets to get the prime minister to do what he is obligated by law to do. The Prevention of Corruption Act says the prime minister shall appoint an Integrity Commission, members to that commission. He hasn’t done that, it seems that he’s not even worried about doing it. Two years have gone by in his second administration and he still can’t get around to doing it. The last administration under his tenure didn’t have it in place so what else can we do. We’re calling on the Belizean people if you seriously want to get to the bottom of this we’re gonna have to take a little roundabout way but it can be done. We in the VIP have put the first thousand dollars because it will take approximately ten thousand unless we can get a benevolent attorney to assist us. That’s what they do for a living, we can expect them to do it for free and so we’re saying here is another recourse. We’re hoping that the prime minister will not make us have to do this because it really should not be necessary. It is totally unacceptable and I am telling you Mr. Prime Minister we are seriously disappointed in how you have handled all of this.”
The prime minister does not care about your thoughts… Why should he? I gurantee his liability with the UN and other countries are contemplating the cut off as a result of this great leak. All these people that are funneling into this country is prepared by both parties and that is the country they are leaving from and our great Belize ministers. This has been going on for many years thru PUP and UDP. The problem is UDP is more sloppy and want the quick money without dotting the “i” and crossing the “t”. Take it however you want to but the truth is Belize is sinking and there is no bailing out. Our dollar will devalue and cost of living will raise more than you think. Don’t worry your prime minister will live the life of the rich and the famous as he has all his money in Miami in a US bank. Belize must wake up and kick these folks out. Stand up like Bob Marley said and fight for your rights. You all are the victims!!!!
Go get them.
So true the only thing is that most of th people are more stubborn than a 5 years old kids they just follow up thier leaders even though they are being crushed. What Belize need is Unity and stop what they call being faithful to their political leaders. Most of us young people see things very diffrent but what we can do if we dont have the support of most people. I have been living for 24 years and i can just describe our leaders as thieves crooks doesnt matter what party they represnt they just do the same thing over and over.