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Jan 31, 2014

Edmond Castro says assistance to be provided for affected families

In the aftermath of the accident, the Ministry of Education sent out counselors to the village to assess and render psychological assistance to the many persons who were left traumatized by the accident. As we said, eight persons are currently hospitalized, while others who were also onboard the vessels were able to return home. Area representative of Belize Rural North, Edmond Castro, was also at the scene and told the media that assistance will be provided to all persons affected by the accident, including funeral expenses for the Gentle family.


Edmond Castro, Area Rep., Belize Rural North

“I’ll be meeting with the Prime Minister on Monday; I spoke to him a few minutes ago. We will be meeting with him on Monday in Belmopan; he will give us all the assistance to assist the affected families.”



Edmond Castro

“You will have to attend to the funeral and…”
Edmond Castro

“We will do whatever it takes to help the families in Crooked Tree that had been affected in this freak accident.”



“If anyone needs, and I am going way ahead of myself, but if anyone needs specialized attention will you all—in terms of private medicine or maybe out of the country?”


Edmond Castro

“Definitely, definitely. I definitely sure that the government of Belize will assist the students that had been affected; the prime minister assure me of that.”
Late this evening, all persons on the boat during the accident and who did not seek medical attention are asked to convene at the Belize Audubon Society’s Office in Crooked Tree at six a.m. to be taken to a medical facility for a checkup. 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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5 Responses for “Edmond Castro says assistance to be provided for affected families”

  1. Rod says:

    And the big thief the talk like nothing has happened this udp gov got some elephant balls , you just done get caught the thief the people’s money and you still come out the talk like you no do nothing it’s just incredible I cannot believe the belizean people are so stupid to let this man Castro remain in power ustedes Latinos son UNOs estupidos tambien no ven que este gobierno solo les importa Los negros , ustedes se van a levanter un dia siendo Los esclavos de Los negros .

  2. Uncle Benji says:

    Alright Castro, this accident is right up your alley. Steal boy, steal. You cannot sleep from the excitement of knowing you are going to rip Belizeans off and in plain sight. Gawd, Belizeans love their crooks. So how are you going to divvy up the stolen money?

    $250,000 will be needed to overcome this recent accident, and here is how Mr. Castro will pay out these monies:

    $75,000 for Dean Da Thief Barrow
    $25,000 for Castro’s kids
    100,000 for Castro’s Charitable Drive (another way to say Castro’s pockets)
    $50,000 for Castro’s next shopping spree in USA

    So what will the victims of this latest accident receive? As Castro would say “screw them.”

  3. oscar965 says:

    roll the check book, Airport’s Authority!!!

  4. ceo says:

    I do not even care to read what this crook have to say!

    Q: How do you know that castro is lying?
    A: His lips are moving!

  5. LOL says:

    RESIGN!! You did a lot of foolishness. God knows what they slip in your weed..

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