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Feb 14, 2014

CWU says it is disappointed by Belize City Mayor

Frank Gladden

When we got to City Hall this evening, most of the workers had rushed off. We understand they all got their checks too late to take to the bank, so they had headed off to pawn shops to cash them. We also understand that most of them had been given checks which were short of significant monies. But the workers, who were there, told News Five that they’ve been told to come back next week, and they have no choice but to do so.


Frank Gladden, Final Paycheck Short

“We were put on a long waiting list. They started saying one o’clock then it went on to…when I get the cheque it was after four and it still wasn’t the cheque that I am supposed to get. I still neva get my two weeks that I worked for last week and this week. And then I didn’t get the sign off deal that Miss Matura made with the council. Then on that cue, Miss Nunez told me that Miss Matura was the one that didn’t finish signing the contract that’s why we didn’t get paid. Miss Matura told me that’s why she is here now because it is not her fault because they are changing their mouths and what they said.”


Orvin Haylock, Final Paycheck Short

Orvin Haylock

You see my cheque? Weh dah my cheque? My cheque dah lee bit ah nothing bredda for me to ker home and I got bills to pay. I got lotta bills…I can’t pay outta this. Weh this? Nothing. When I done pay outta this, I wah still noh done pay whatsoever I have to pay. I wah left broke.  I dah wah poor man, I came from wah poor family, but I di try with them. With this, the mayor feels I happy with he. I noh happy with he bredda. He wa get vote out.”


Jamie Yearwood, Final Paycheck Short

“We play the waiting game. They say come next week. I wah see. Come Monday; so I wah have to see weh wah happen Monday…if they real. In fact, they prove to me that dehn noh real already but I noh have no choice but to wait until Monday.”



“And the rest of the security workers, they were out here with you all? The same thing happen to dehn?”


Jamie Yearwood

Jamie Yearwood

“Yes. A lot of them get vex and gone home. Lot of them can’t deal with weh dehn face this evening. I just hope that dehn cool dehn nerves and go home go chill out. Me right yah, when I get my cheque I couldn’t cash it because dehn give we late this evening. And mien I need the money. I poor.”


Frank Gladden

“This morning, Duane Stephenson; the mayor got ahn di walk all over the building; got ahn di take picture with staff and all and could pay he. According to what I understand, dah twenty thousand U.S. the man di get and we can’t get fi we lee bit of money. Something wrong with this man totally.”


You’ll also remember that on Thursday CWU President Audrey Matura-Shepherd stated that the Mayor had set up a meeting with head of the new security firm Hiram Longsworth. That meeting was supposed so the CWU could regulate the transition of those workers making the move. Well that didn’t happen either. We’ll have an update to this story on Monday.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “CWU says it is disappointed by Belize City Mayor”

  1. LOL says:

    It’s okay guys, not only you all are disappointed in this mayor or his party.

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