Immigration forms prove Elvin Penner falsified information on Won Hong Kim
We reported on Thursday night that we have a dossier of the immigration scandal, as it relates to the issuance of a passport to Won Hong Kim in September 2013. The documents are voluminous and telling and we will walk you through some of the irregularities we picked out during perusal of the documents. We note that in the Supreme Court today, in an application for a mandamus action brought by the People’s United Party to direct the ComPol to investigate and bring charges against former minister Penner, that ComPol Allen Whylie, informed the court that he has a discretion under the Police Act to decide whether or not to investigate a matter and that he decided not to investigate the Penner matter. The documents available to News Five do not support Whylie’s defense for which we will present the following five reasons.
The law governing passport applications requires that the applicant, if he is applying in Belize, personally presents himself at the Immigration Department for the purposes of being photographed and fingerprinted so that this vital information can be embedded in the passport. A person did appear at the Immigration Department accompanied by Minister Penner, who has admitted in an email to taking Kim to the department on September third 2013. It turns out that this is false.
Minister Penner then informed the immigration officer that the person along with him was Kim, as it turned out that person was a decoy because Kim was in a Taiwanese jail at the time. This was clearly an intention to deceive immigration officials. Secondly, the information provided to the immigration officer, by way of the passport application, also turns out to be false and falsified for the following reasons. Minister Penner personally handed the passport application form to the immigration officer. This form shows it as having been signed by Kim and dated third of September. This again is false since Kim was in jail. The questions arise, who filled out the form? Who signed it and dated it September third, 2013? The answer to these questions may very well lie in Penner’s Declaration of Recommender Form. First, to the handwriting on the passport application; you will see the name KIN, not KIM, an error which Kim would clearly not make. A closer look at the letter “n” and the several “n’s” appearing in the rest of the document, show them to be exactly alike to the “n’s” on Penner’s recommendation filled out and signed by Penner himself.
It is a criminal offense to forge immigration documents; it is also a criminal offense to falsify immigration formation. It is also a criminal offense for Penner to take a person into the Immigration Department and pretend in front of immigration officials that individual was Won Hong Kim.
Minister Penner can also be charged for aiding and abetting and conspiracy to commit fraud and falsification of information. There is a fifth criminal offense that can be brought against Penner because he signed confirming that all the false information was “true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.”
All told, COMPOL Whylie’s argument in the Supreme Court is not substantiated by the facts borne in the documents available to him and his officers. And this is only some of the information we have perused so far.
All these records are fake, tricks by the PUP to defame the honorable Penner, and the righteous citizen Kim.
Beware of those who would attack Ali’s honorable 40.
Everyone knows Honorable Penner only does what Honorable Ali commands.
The 40 only work for Ali, no free lancers in the bunch.
ALI Akbar!!!
Send the whole lot a dem to jail.or let them pay their fine with a nice police record behind their names.
Don’t underestimate Penner, he once dined down with Queen Elizabeth, Sylvester Stallone and George Bush Jr. They Say Penner is best friends with Obama and Otto Molina Perez.
Ohh he also belongs to an Elite club with notable members such as Osama, Saddam, Obama, Netanyahu and Ralph Fonseca