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May 19, 2014

UWI Professor under fire for testifying in UNIBAM case

Brendan Bain

A judgment has not been delivered in the case of Caleb Orosco and the United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM) versus the Attorney General of Belize, supported by various church groups. That case was heard in the Supreme Court on May twenty-thirty. But while that ruling is pending, in Jamaica, a University of the West Indies professor is under fire for appearing as an expert witness in the case. He is Professor Brendan Bain, the director of the university’s Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training Programme (CHART). Bain told the Belize Supreme Court that countries which have repealed their buggery laws have seen an increase in HIV/AIDS rate among the population of men who have sex with men. He also argued that a change in the law could have a deleterious effect on Belize’s economy. His expert testimony has drawn the ire of advocacy groups across the region. According to Sunday’s Jamaica Gleaner, the advocacy groups are demanding that he be removed from any leadership position in the CHART program as well as from other university positions because they are displeased with his testimony. UWI’s vice-chancellor, E. Nigel Harris, has written to Bain saying that an advisory committee has been set up to look into whether or not he can retain his current position. Harris has stated that Bain was being given the option to present a written or oral testimony to the committee and that the committee will only be focusing on whether Bain is suitable to continue being the director of CHART.  It is not known whether the committee has taken a decision. 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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15 Responses for “UWI Professor under fire for testifying in UNIBAM case”

  1. lucas says:

    But is true, statistical reports in the U.S of A. shows exactly that. HIV is more prevalent in homos.

  2. sickntired says:

    Wow – sign of things to come especially if you are anti gay.

  3. Louisville, Ky. says:

    This is an indication of how powerful and influential the homosexual Lobbyists are.
    Imagine, this esteemed Professor stands to lose his job because he had the nerve to bring to the court’s attention the harmful effects of this debauched lifestyle.
    Belize, there is a hand writing on the wall and those with eyes, better see!

  4. JOHN says:

    We have no right to judge people because of who they sleeping with…. (Behing Close Doors) but you must keep in mind when trying to change our laws n coming out n expressing your sexual preferences. (Keep that crap to yourself!!!!) We the true Belizeans of this country will have our honest opinions…. We nuh support them nastyness

  5. Nicole says:

    See this is why I can regretting turning a blind eye to Homosexuals! They say they are fighting for equal rights but yet anyone who doesn’t think like them and actually have views that differs from them , they try to bring down. More and more they are getting on my last nerves. What the man states was facts and if the community can’t absorb the facts then something is wrong. Why are you guys imposing your lifestyle on us heterosexuals? You have the same rights I have and yet , oh you need more right. I have not heard of one case of someone being charge for sodomy (homosexual activity) in Belize. All this awareness came to light when Caleb started fighting a fight that wasn’t even in the works. More homosexuals are being targeted now because of the fact that Caleb brought all this to the forefront. SO now should we heterosexual lose our Freedom of Speech because your COMMUNITY is to fragile to hear the truth. The truth is the truth ,is the damn truth,no matter who says it!!!! The world goes around by procreating. Dwell on that thought for a little as we both know that you need us heterosexual (male and female)to reproduce so that you can even think about having a family, Doesn’t that make you think?

  6. Ixchel Pop says:

    It is signs of the things to come; the caribbean needs to catch up.

  7. Belizean says:

    So if I say what my beliefs are (not imposing) I’m a hater and a racist, and a nazi….etc . But if the gays say that Mr Bain doesnt please THEM, he will just be expelled, pushed out, exterminated? Where’s the hate now? Who is the real bigot? The homos cannot stand the truth. They loathe anyone with real facts, and try to discredit facts beyond imaginable possibilities. The homos are clearly blazing a ONE WAY STREET, pushing anything and anyone off it, that merely tries to live life as they have for the last 6000 years.

    Another note, if they say that being gay, and married so, is so right, and politically correct, bla bla bla, then why dont we all convert to the same sex religion? Can these homos count from 1-10? any of them??????? This is nothing else than a self destructive set up. In just a few short years, this world will be close to human extinction. De-population is what this is. Obviously if all turn gay, humanity will pass away!

  8. CEO says:

    Let me first say that I am not a homosexual but facts are stubborn things and they should always be stated correctly.

    Second; Lucas your statement is not speaking to what the professor said. It is also incorrect and at the same time incomplete: HIV is more prevalent with “homos” compared to what?

    The discussion was whether removing bigotry from the laws of Belize would cause an increase in HIV cases. I do not even need to think too hard to know that this is ignorance and this so call expert witness should be fired from his post for being so irresponsible.

    So hear why this is ignorant because the number of gay men in the country will not increase simply because an outdated law is removed or revised. Straight men will not all of a sudden become homosexuals and gay men will not all of a sudden become more active.

    Truth is that the amount of HIV cases will increase regardless if the law is changed or not. What is lacking or what is needed to reduce the amount of new cases of infections is medication and education.

  9. Belizean says:

    Medication and education will NOT reduce AIDS/HIV. The Roman Empire, study it. Why did it fall? There were many causes that contributed to that, however, open and legal homosexuality was one of the reasons. Look at the latter years of the Roman Empire, and then look at the US. Very similar, highly educated people, biggest military, people on food rations, etc…hundreds of things, INCLUDING homo stuff!

  10. Belizean says:

    This is to support what I had stated above regarding the Roman Empire, and it does apply to any and all countries:

    Perhaps this is why out of 45 goals Communists set out to achieve in 1958, #27 and #28 took direct aim at Christianity. According to Cleon Skousen’s book, “The Naked Communist,” these two goals read as follows:

    #27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”

    #28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

    And finally, let us not forget the infamous words of Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union:
    “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”

    Unfortunately, the Communists, including Stalin, knew their history well. They knew why Rome fell. If America falls, it will be for the same reasons every other nation, civilization or empire fell; and that reason has everything to do with religion, morality and the family.

  11. Louisville, Ky. says:

    @ Nicole, ‘nough said!!

  12. ABC says:

    This is ridiculous that people like Bain should be punished for speaking the truth. Research does show that HIV is most prevalent in that community and we have to pay taxes for those homos to be given their anti viral medication to add to this shit.

  13. BZEforever says:

    Thank you, CEO.

    Your statement is the only one, thus far, based on fact and reason. I don’t have to agree or disagree with anyone’s lifestyle to be able to know the difference between fact and fiction. There are plenty of statistics available from reputable academics and researchers to debunk what Professor Bain has indicated. I just hope that other “expert witnesses” will be brought forth to either support or contest his findings. Only then can an educated and well-informed decision be made on the validity of his statesments.

    In the end, I truly believe that ALL Belizeans want what is best for Belize and all Belizeans – and that includes LGBT Belizeans. Our people must put their prejudices and biases aside, and look at the facts. All citizens of Belize deserve the right to be protected and supported by their fellow-countrymen/women.

  14. Belizean Pride says:

    SO IT MEANS THAT IN CASE I VOICE MY OPINION AGAINST THE LGBT I CAN LOOSE MY JOB ALSO. holy smoke can we see the real truth about this agenda now. If all of us voice against them we’ll all be fired and who else will take over after all, must be gays then. It’s really pathetic of this advocacy groups that are trying bring down a professor just because he brought to the attention of the court of the consequences of this agenda. mein in what world are we living now. Hope that those that support this agenda in Belize start to open their big sleepy eyes to seethe reality of this groups intentions.

  15. nicole says:

    @ CEO “The discussion was whether removing bigotry from the laws of Belize would cause an increase in HIV cases. I do not even need to think too hard to know that this is ignorance and this so call expert witness should be fired from his post for being so irresponsible.”<>> why because it protects the innocents, but then again you might not know why a child needs protection because you probably don’t have or don’t care for one. Tell me under which law would a male child be able to charge someone who has anal sex with him against his will? Let me , see am rape? No, I don’t think so. And yet under that law the person get what? 3-5 years imprisonment… The psychological mental state of that child will forever be damaged and we must now accommodation adults who wish to pursue a lifestyle and leave our children and future generation damaged and unprotected.

    Furthermore, LBGT you’re all breaking the law as we speak, alas, the law has not been changed!!! Anyone being charged for that crime lately… what do you say lets ring them up and put them in the cell?

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