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Home » June, 2001 You are currently browsing entries posted in: June, 2001

Students compete on drug knowledge

Recently on this newscast we’ve seen two spelling bees, one of which was in sign language. Tonight’s student competition involves knowledge of drugs and their influence on society. Marlon McNab, School Prog. Co-ordinator, NDACC “The National Drug Awareness Week really is to create a national awareness as it specifies. About not only what the situation […]

Wesley Church celebrates half century of service

Fifty years is a landmark celebration in any organisation’s life, and the church is no exception. Wesley Methodist on Albert Street in Belize City is celebrating its golden jubilee with thirty days of activities. According to convenor of the anniversary committee, Geraldine Lewis, it’s a time of rejoicing for Methodists. Geraldine Lewis, Convenor, Wesley Anniversary […]

Aziatic, Griga Boyz team up for new CD

What do you get when you combine one of Belize’s hottest Punta bands–Griga Boyz–along with an equally talented solo artist like Aziatic? Well you get “Crazy Fi We,” a thirteen track Puntarock album from Stonetree Records. Stone Tree’s Kidd Notch, says that they were skeptical about doing the project but eventually realized the mass appeal […]

Belizeans prepare for new hurricane season

It’s that time of year again, so get hold of some fresh batteries for the radio, stock up or your favourite tinned food and make sure there are enough rubber boots to go around. Jose Sanchez reports on the opening of hurricane season. Jose Sanchez, Reporting Although we may just be recovering from Keith, Chief […]