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Home » July, 2008 You are currently browsing entries posted in: July, 2008

Businessman takes G.O.B. to court on constitutional amendments

Public consultations on the proposed amendments to the Belize Constitution are taking place as required, but there are already signs that Government is facing a tough time in gaining public approval to the proposed amendments. Late yesterday in the Supreme Court, former senator and businessman Barry Bowen, presented a claim against the Government in respect […]

F.C.I.B. facing charges for suspicious financial transactions

In news from the Magistrate Court, News Five has been reliably informed that First Caribbean International Bank was on Friday charged with one hundred and thirteen counts of failing to report suspicious transactions under the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The charges were originally served on Friday but had to be amended due to errors in drafting. […]

Telemedia and Telecom battle it out in court

The legal tangles involving Belize Telemedia continued in court this morning. Today’s case involved an application brought by Belize Telemedia that seeks to wind-up Belize Telecom and collect payment of a fourteen million dollar default judgment debt ordered by Honourable Justice John Muria last year. Belize Telecom is the company that evolved last year when […]

Abusive police officer removed from the force

It’s still early in the celebration of Police week, and the top brass of the force are not wasting opportunity to clean up the image of the force often battered by their own actions. A release from the Police Press Office has confirmed that one of their officers has been dismissed: he is Assistant Superintendent […]

Cayo residents robbed of over eight thousand dollars

In news from the police, a Cayo resident, who along with this family spent a week in San Pedro, returned to their home in San Ignacio to find that it had been burglarized. Christopher Marcial Tzib reported to the police that his house, located on Swallow Street, had been robbed during the period June twenty-ninth […]

Charges of obstruction against U.D.P. supporters dropped

The event received much publicity at the time because of the charged political climate, but today in Magistrates’ Court a charge of obstruction was dismissed against U.D.P. activist Goldburn “Easy Glen” Adolphus. Magistrate Sharon Frazer dropped the charge because the prosecution was not ready to proceed. Last November, Adolphus was accused of obstructing police constable […]

Forum discusses getting women into leadership positions

Gender discrimination and marginalisation due to cultural and traditional practices are only two of the reasons why there is a distinct lack of women in leadership roles in countries across the world … But today some of these women leaders huddled at the Radisson to see how they can change the status quo. Kendra Griffith […]

P.U.P. calls for action against crime

The Opposition, Peoples’ United Party has reacted to the alarming number of murders in recent days in the west of the country. The P.U.P. is calling on the U.D.P. government to quote “institute more robust and effective measures to combat the surging crime situation, especially in the Cayo District where six murders have been committed […]

Belizean centenarian celebrates in style

Isabel Garbutt is in a class of her own, she has gained wisdom and experience that can only come with good living. Today this centenarian celebrates her hundred and third birthday. News Five dropped by her home on St. Joseph Street in Belize City at her party already in progress. Sharon Polack, Executive Director-Helpage “When […]

Audubon holds environmental summer camps

There is no shortage of activities to occupy children during the summer months and so organizations have had to get creative in order to capture children’s imagination. One organisation has come up with a new approach to summer camps. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports. Jose Sanchez, Reporting Kids, exhausted from the classroom, are unleashing their […]

Duets takes the stage on Channel Five

It begins tonight on Channel Five, it is Duets, a new show that will have you singing, dancing and rocking. Jose Sanchez tells you more about it. Jose Sanchez, Reporting When KTV made its debut on Channel Five seven years ago, no one expected it would become one of the most popular shows in local […]