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Home » October, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2009

Belize National Basketball Team loses appeal

We begin tonight’s newscast with a breaking news from Geneva and it’s not good news, certainly, it is not what was expected. Late this afternoon, a decision was handed down in the case of the Belize Basketball Federation versus FIBA in which the federation was challenging the nationality of certain members of the Belize Team […]

Prime Minister’s hip hop son “Shyne” released from prison

Another developing story is on New York rapper, Jamal Barrow, better known as Shyne, the son of Prime Minister Dean Barrow. Shyne was released from prison today after serving more than eight years of a ten-year prison sentence. He was serving time for his role in a 1999 New York night club shooting, involving mentor […]

Body found floating in Mopan River left for 24 hours

Turning to crime, Benque Viejo police have an unidentified man who was discovered floating in the Mopan River less than a mile from the western border. The Hispanic man was found around two-thirty on Monday afternoon lying face down. But while identity is one issue, contamination of the river is another concern the residents have. […]

Man plunges to death at Vaca Dam

There is another death in Benque Viejo Town and it is classified as a case of sudden death. The victim is Guatemalan labourer, forty-nine year old Emilio Borrallos of Suchitan Guatemala. Borrallos, who was employed at the Vaca Dam, reportedly fell to his death on Sunday. Officer Commanding the Benque police, Inspector Claudio Mai, says […]

Alleged murderer caught in Mexico

And the man believed to be responsible for the murder of twenty-nine year old Karina Daniels of Corozal Town was caught on the other side of the northern border. And the information released since his capture is quite disturbing. According to a report in the Diario de Quintana Roo, Carlos Keme was detained by Mexican […]

Justices issue statement on Bar Association controversy

Sitting justices hardly give interviews, almost never, nor is it customary that they issue press statements. That protocol was broken today, with a statement from the justices of the Supreme Court. The unprecedented statement is lengthy, four pages in all, and according to Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh, self explanatory. It starts on the principle that […]

Taxi driver shot several times as he exited home

And this breaking news, a man is clinging to life after he was shot several times late this evening in front of his home on Cairo Street. The taxi driver, Jason Cain, had apparently just exited his house and was heading to start his car when someone approached him and shot him at least nine […]

Belize drops on UNDP Human Development index

The Intelligence Economist Unit put Belize as murder capital number one while Transparency International gave Belize a black eye for corruption, placing the Jewel at the bottom of the scale at a hundred and eleven. Now comes the United Nations Development Program 2009 Human Development report and it is also giving Belize poor marks for […]

Former councillor complains to deputy mayor about threat

Mark King, the former U.D.P. city councillor, made it to the media spotlight on Monday because he joined the picket line in front of City Hall. He was protesting the council’s non-payment and mounting debt to Belize Maintenance Limited. Well, it seems that he is planning a political resurrection, but by going against his former […]

Children absent from school and join protest line

Two point seven million dollars is owed to Belize Maintenance Limited. Its employees have been demonstrating in front of City Hall for days on end and still there appears to be no resolution in sight. City Hall is financially broke and has been unable to come up with an acceptable payment plan. Those who have […]

Boom to Buttercup residents worried about mosquito infestation

We know about home invasions, but now there is a mosquito invasion that is causing an uproar in neighboring communities. According to residents, with the number of dengue cases on the rise, there is growing fear that the recent surge may result in more illnesses. The Public Health Department says it has no resources to […]

Over forty-three cases for October Supreme Court session

The October session of the Supreme Court kicked off this morning with over forty-three cases on the calendar. Only Justice Michelle Arana presiding in today’s session. One case that has been highly anticipated is the reappearance of Taedron Bennett and Joseph Kee for the 2006 murder of Phillip and Kevin Brannon. The infamous duo was […]

Extradition case of Mark Seawell continues in court

Also in the courts, Mark Seawell’s extradition case came up for another round of arguments in the preliminary inquiry. Seawell’s attorney Elson Kaseke, however, made an application to refer the issue of the type of P.I. Seawell is subjected to as well as the constitutionality of the Extradition Act to the Supreme Court. Priscilla Banner, […]

Barry Robinson robs Belize City nurse

And a parolee is facing the possibility losing his freedom and that’s because thirty-one year old Barry Robinson allegedly attacked and robbed a nurse on Monday night. Bernadine Grinage, the wife of Dr. Egbert Grinage, was walking on Eyre Street at around eight p.m. when she was ambushed and hit in the head with a […]