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Home » October, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2009

Mayor of Belize City charged with twenty-four counts

It had been brewing for some time and today it became blatantly public, the open war between the duly elected City Mayor and the Prime Minister in what is the first internal political crisis to hit the government and the U.D.P. Mayor Zenaida Moya Flowers was hauled this morning before the courts and if you […]

City Council finance dept and mayor make bail

In court this morning, the mayor was read a single criminal charge; twenty-two counts of Uttering a False Document. The charge relates to checks for fuel Paid to Esso Service Center between the months of March and July, which add up to a meager seventy dollars. The City Council’s Financial Director, Dwain Davis, and City […]

Mayor’s attorney implies the charged add up to nothing

Just after the arraignment, defense lawyers began challenging the merits of the charges. Lead attorney, Michael Peyrefitte was quick to point out that they hold no water since the charges do not exist in law and there is no official legislation or regulation which states that payments of more than fifty dollars have to be […]

U.D.P. issues statement about mayor’s case

As we said earlier, this is the worst internal crisis within the U.D.P. and the government; one in which the most powerful elected woman is saying she is hunted by the most powerful man in her own party. A wounded tiger, the Mayor, had her say this morning and she was ferocious about the Prime […]

Former U.D.P. minister fires back in mayor’s defense

But one man who is not holding back, is a former U.D.P. Minister who is now one of Moya’s attorneys. Hubert Elrington gave us his take. Hubert Elrington, Attorney for Mayor Zenaida Moya Flowers “The twenty-two charges of uttering, the charges are not even known to law, they don’t even exist in law. It shows […]

Garbage collection protest enters day 3 at City Hall

While Mayor Moya Flowers was facing criminal charges in court, there was plenty more trouble at City Hall where a three-day protest was taking place. The Belize Maintenance Limited has been at odds with City Hall for an outstanding debt of two point seven million dollars. News Five’s Duane Moody found out that councillor Philip […]

B.N.T.U. discusses teaching services commission

Public schools throughout the Belize District were closed today but it wasn’t because of the Influenza. The Ministry of Education closed the school doors for the Belize National Teacher’s Union Belize District Branch’s meeting. The program stated that the morning consultations would be about the contentious teaching service commission and the afternoon would be dedicated […]

B.D.F. soldier gets knocked down on Northern Highway

And a traffic accident on the Northern Highway landed one man in the hospital. After eight-thirty last night, an SUV driven by Mariano Williams, collided into the back of a bus. The impact pushed the bus a few feet further and it knocked down twenty-four year old Jose Hun, a B.D.F. soldier. The driver of […]

Commissioner of Police addresses crime situation

The daily news has been plastered with crime. In fact, this week alone, there have been two heinous murders and two primary school kids were injured in a shooting. But why the eruption of violence—particularly in the streets of Belize City—and what are the cops doing about it? The Minister of National Security has been […]

Teenager convicted of Drug Trafficking

In April of this year, Arlene Garay and her cousin, Lloyd James, were arrested for one hundred and twenty-two grams of marijuana after a search of their house on Faber’s Road. But today, after the charge was dismissed against James for lack of evidence, Arlene was found guilty of drug trafficking. Her conviction came after […]

Sixty-two recruits added to the ranks of the B.D.F.

The Belize Defence Force welcomed sixty-two new members this morning at a ceremony marking the culmination of its fifty-second intake. This year’s recruits underwent intense training to become disciplined, physically and mentally fit soldiers. And after they were inspected by the Minister of National Security, the recruits displayed some of what they learned from the […]

Senior citizens parade through streets of Belize City

The mission of HelpAge Belize is to provide the elderly with an environment that enhances dignity, self-esteem, and their well-being. To celebrate its silver anniversary, the organization has been holding a month of activities to highlight the true sense of its motto. Jose Sanchez was on hand to share the moment with the senior citizens. […]

Healthy Living examines dengue fever

It’s that time of the year and around the country hundred have fallen ill with the dengue fever. The symptoms include fever, chills, headaches and vomiting. This week Healthy Living has tips on what to do if you think you’re afflicted. Marleni Cuellar, Reporting Dengue Fever or “break bone fever” affects hundreds each year in […]