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Home » October, 2009 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2009

University of Belize finances in a mess

An increment freeze has been cancelled and the increase in tuition has been put off… at least for now at the University of Belize. But that is not the big story tonight, the bombshell that was dropped earlier today is that the finances of the flagship university are in a huge mess. We have heard […]

No increment freeze for UB teachers

But after the news was revealed of the financial mess, the Board delivered its decision in respect of the increment freeze and tuition increases, which sparked off protests in the nation’s capital earlier this week by the students, faculty and staff. Here’s how that went. Imani Fairweather-Morrison, Chair, UB Board “It has decided to take […]

UB students “rail up” and hand board ultimatum at conference

More on the situations at UB, classes were cancelled at all four campuses as of eleven this morning and students descended at the gymnasium at the Garden City Campus to meet the board as planned. When the board was a no show, the students crashed the press conference. The board was handed a statement on […]

Land taken away from single mother; area rep vows to help

A parcel of land in the Caribbean Shores area has been taken away from a woman who claims she inherited the plot. She is pointing fingers at the Area Representative, Carlos Perdomo, but another minister says the Ministry of Natural Resources won’t get away with this misdeed. News Five’s Jose Sanchez found out more on […]

Leader of the Opposition discusses UB crisis

We reported on the financial mess at the University of Belize. This afternoon, the government issued a five-minute page statement warning students of the protest and saying that it has increased its subvention to U.B. by over a million dollars. But Leader of Opposition, John Briceño, has a few reservations with government’s approach and says […]

Charles and Hirian steadfast with their protest

They have been silent for a few weeks, but everyone traversing the downtown circuit will have known that the husband and wife team of Charles and Hirian Good have been keeping their daily vigil inside the Battlefield Park. But there is another development in the Goods’ ongoing plight in which the Minister of Education, Patrick […]

Burn victim on the road to recovery

Earlier this week, a nine year old was school boy from Carmelita, Orange Walk, was severely burnt as he worked along his father. He was hospitalized and then transferred from the K.H.M.H. to the Shriners Hospital in Galveston, Texas. News Five Delahnie Bain spoke to the family of the child and found out that the […]

Half the country experienced one hour power loss

But back at home, there was an interruption to the power supply from the north all the way to the Belize District that lasted just under one hour today. B.E.L. issued a prompt statement to say it was caused by a trip in the Mexican system operated by the Comision Federal de Electricidad, C.F.E. That […]

Regional Conference focuses CSME

The CARICOM Single Market and Economy has been an issue on the regional agenda for quite some years now. And while the underlying goal of the C.S.M.E. is to provide all member countries of CARICOM onboard with one market and one common denomination, achieving this goal has run into a number of hurdles. Belize has […]

Shyne’s uncle says case is now entirely handled by Ogletree

The week is almost over and music lovers in Belize and musicians in the United States have been waiting for the latest word about Jamal “Shyne” Barrow also known as Moses Michael Leviy. The rap artist and son of Prime Minister Dean Barrow has been expected to either be released to continue his career in […]

Minor shot twice on Victoria Street

Turning to the dangerous city streets, a minor was shot last night in the old capital. Seventeen year old Kenrick Longsworth, a resident of Castle Street, was hanging at the corner of Castle and Pitts Alley when according to his mother; he was shot at by an assailant known as Mister T. The bullet missed […]

Theft charges dropped; income tax employee freed

And in the courts, the prosecution was unable to prove a prima facie case of theft against a cashier from the Income Tax Department. The case concluded today and Natasha Kingston was free to go when five witnesses called to the stand were unable to provide substantiating evidence to prove the charges of theft. Kingston […]

Brandon Taylor gets six months for shooting at cops

Twenty-two year old Brandon Taylor was today convicted for aggravated assault and damage to property. The incident occurred on October fourth, 2007 on King Street. Taylor was accused of shooting five times at three police officers on duty. In his defense in court, Taylor testified under oath that at the time, he was at home […]

Ozzy serious about competition at clown conference

Javier Canul is a Emergency Medical Technician or paramedic who works for the Belize Emergency Response Team. It’s a job in which he encounters families during trying and stressful times. However, Canul does not only interact with the public during emergencies. He is a bit of a clown at times and that is meant to […]

Healthy living shops nutritiously

A stop at the local supermarket is not only about stocking up the grocery cart. Selecting the right food and eating healthy has taken on new importance. Healthy Living this week goes shopping for the right nutrition. Marleni Cuellar “Grocery shopping for most people means looking at prices: getting better value for your money. But […]