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Corozal Bay Area Rep Dido Vega Dies from COVID-19

This morning, news of Corozal Bay area representative David Vega’s passing spread like wildfire upon, learning that the recently elected politician lost his battle with COVID-19. The forty-seven-year-old career math teacher was intubated at a private hospital in Belize City since Saturday and despite hopes of recovery, he succumbed early this morning. The heartbreaking news […]

State Funeral for Former Area Rep David “Dido” Vega

At the beginning of his official address during the inaugural sitting of the House of Representatives, Prime Minister John Briceño announced that David Vega will be given a state funeral on a date that is yet to be determined.   Prime Minister John Briceño “It is with a sad heart that I inform the nation […]

What’s Next for Corozal Bay?

The unfortunate passing of Corozal Bay Area Representative David ‘Dido’ Vega before he was able to get a chance to deliver on the promises made to his constituents ahead of the recent general elections, will inevitably trigger a bye-election in that division.  Up until Vega’s victory at the polls last month, Corozal Bay had been […]

Inaugural Opening of the 13th National Assembly

The first meeting of the House of Representatives under the leadership of Prime Minister John Briceño was an outdoor affair in Belmopan this morning.  A host of dignitaries and other invited guests were socially distant under a large tent where they sat and witnessed the administering of the oath of office, as well as remarks […]

Senators Sit for Inaugural Senate Meeting

Preceding the inaugural Sitting of the House of Representatives, an introductory Sitting of the Senate was held inside the chambers of the National Assembly. The Government appointed six new senators and they are Eamon Courtenay, Christopher Coye, Doctor Isabel Bennett, Bevin Cal, Collet Montejo and Erica Jang. The Opposition, United Democratic Party has appointed Michael […]

Inaugural Parliamentary Address was Melancholic

P.M. Briceño’s address during this morning’s ceremony served a number of purposes, including a call to action for all Belizeans to continue adhering to all COVID-19 protocols.  The speech was delivered amid melancholy, following the passing of Dido Vega, but it also served to contextualize the economic and health and wellness state of affairs of […]

Ten Percent Salary Cut for all Ministers as of New Year’s Day

A ten percent salary cut will ring in the New Year for all Cabinet members.  The announcement was made this morning by Prime Minister Briceño who, after weighing the effects of the economic downturn, thought it prudent to shave off a fraction of the monthly wages his ministers are collecting.   Prime Minister John Briceño […]

Minister of Health & Wellness Michel Chebat says Dr. Manzanero is Not Fired

Minister of Health and Wellness Michel Chebat today confirmed that Doctor Marvin Manzanero has not been fired from the Ministry. Chebat says that Doctor Manzanero is at home recovering from COVID-19. Meanwhile, acting Director of Health Services Doctor Melisa Diaz Musa is taking up the lead. In fact, Chebat says that Doctor Diaz Musa will […]

Is Dr. Manza In or Out as Director of Health Services?

Dr. Marvin Manzanero has been the Director of Health Services for several years under the previous administration.  While he is at home recovering from COVID-19, his fate as D.H.S. is up in the air.  Minister of Health and Wellness Michel Chebat has confirmed that Manzanero still holds that office, however, Prime Minister John Briceño admits […]

Minister of Education Updates on CXC

Education Minister Francis Fonseca confirmed today that government will be paying for only three Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations per student, as oppose to the traditional six. Fonseca says that the government has been in constant dialogue with CXC which says that it is not recommended that they reduce the content coverage for their […]

Court Wraps Up Case Against Michelle Brown

The murder trial of P.C. Michelle Brown ended today in the Belize City Supreme Court after closing submissions by both the prosecution and defense before Justice Colin Williams. Justice Williams will deliver his verdict next Friday in a case that went on for almost three weeks and involved sworn testimonies from twenty prosecution witnesses.  Some […]

Family of 4 Homeless after Fire in Flowers Bank

A fire at a residence on the Flowers Bank Road on December seventh has left a family of four without a roof over their heads. Tanisha Myvett, her common-law husband and two children, lived in a two-bedroom wooden structure on the property, but while they were away, a fire broke inside the house. All that […]

BNCF awards $80K in grant funding!

The Belize Nature Conservation Foundation has awarded two more grants in its 2020 projects cycle. Two NGOs that co-manage sites in the Belize National Protected Areas System were awarded funds to strengthen the management of their sites. A brief virtual ceremony was held on Thursday to acknowledge the handing over to the awardees. News Five […]

Providing Modern & Affordable Electricity to Southern Villages

Earlier this week, Minister of Public Utilities Rodwell Ferguson and Minister of Rural Transformation Oscar Requeña broke ground for the installation of a solar plant in Indian Creek Village, Toledo District. The groundbreaking ceremony followed a meeting convened with stakeholders to chart the way forward for the implementation of the emPOWERing Rural Electrification Project. According […]

Minister Meet with San Vicente Villagers

On Thursday, Minister of National Defence and Border Security Florencio Marin and his Minister of State Oscar Mira met with villagers of San Vicente in the Toledo District. Also present in that meeting with the village council and Alcalde was Toledo West Area Representative, Minister Oscar Requeña. According to Requeña, the purpose of the meeting […]

Leonora Patnett turns 107-years-old!

Leonora Patnett continues to defy the odds as she reaches another milestone birthday this weekend. Over the years, we’ve shared Patnett’s wisdom and memories of life dating back more than a hundred years old – and this year as she gets ready to welcome one hundred and seven years of life, she is doing so […]