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Egner Guerrero is Found Dead, His Family is not Happy with the Police

Tonight there is closure that the body of Egner Guerrero has been found, but the Belize Police Department is once again under fire for the manner in which it reportedly handled the missing person’s case.  Guerrero’s family claims that the officers who dealt with the report were lethargic in their response and had they acted […]

Chervin Tench is Charged for the Murder of Taxi Man Erwin Castillo

A suspect in the murder of thirty-seven-year-old Erwin Castillo has been arrested and charged.  On Monday, nineteen-year-old Chervin Tench was taken into police custody and a single charge was preferred on him in connection with the deadly weekend shooting.  On Friday night around eleven o’clock, Castillo, a cab driver, had just dropped off a passenger […]

Prison Officer Terminated Over Mass Prison Break

A prison officer has been terminated as a result of the findings of an internal investigation into the massive prison break on October twelfth.  A group of twenty-eight prisoners escaped from the Belize Central Prison after three prison officers were held hostage. The gang of escapees broke out through the rear of the compound and into […]

Three Escapees Remain on the Lam

Escapees Michael Faux, Jaroud Lamb and Erwin Lanza remain on the run. They were among the twenty-eight prisoners that broke out from the Belize Central Prison on October twelfth. According to Prison C.E.O.  Virgilio Murillo, the search for these three escapees remains active   Virgilio Murillo, C.E.O., Kolbe Foundation “We still have three of them […]

Michelle Brown’s Murder Trial Resumes

The case of Police Constable Michelle Brown, accused of the shooting death of Belize City barber Fareed Ahmad, resumed on Monday before Supreme Court Judge Colin Williams with sworn testimony given by Forensics Expert Shirley Lino. She spent much of the day detailing the court on the way in which she received sealed parcels of […]

COVID-19 Contained at Belize Central Prison

C.E.O. of the Kolbe Foundation Virgilio Murillo told News Five today that the COVID-19 spread has been successfully contained at the Belize Central Prison. As much as one hundred and ninety-five cases of COVID-19 were recorded behind the prison walls. A lockdown was instituted at the prison and movement within the prison was highly restricted. […]

Kolbe Foundation C.E.O. says Bail Application Hearings Held Virtually

According to Murillo, instituting a lockdown played a crucial role in controlling the COVID-19 spread at the Belize Central Prison. He says that the Kolbe Foundation is working along with the courts to ensure that legal proceedings such as bail applications are done virtually.   Virgilio Murillo, C.E.O., Kolbe Foundation “Obviously the twenty one day […]

The deadliest month for COVID-19 related death ends with 89!

November was the deadliest month for COVID-19 related deaths in Belize.  There were eighty-nine COVID-19 deaths recorded up since November first through to the thirtieth. That’s an average of almost three deaths per day.  And those last stats for the last day of November were published on Monday night which shows that there are one […]

Ministry of Health Ramps Up COVID Response

The Ministry of Health and Wellness has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA), as a part of the ramping up of the national response to COVID-19.  The purpose of the M.O.U. is to enhance and support the diagnostic capacity of the Central Medical Laboratory in terms of delivering P.C.R. […]

Port Advised to Re-think its Public Consultation

Minister of the Blue Economy, Andre Perez, has weighed in on the proposed expansion at the Port of Belize. In a statement issued this evening, the newly assigned minister said  “we have been listening to the concerns of those that have been studying and opposing this project ever since it was proposed under the previous […]

Waterloo Port Expansion Project Consultations Should “Tek It Easy”, Says Minister

The Waterloo Port Expansion Project is receiving backlash from all corners of the tourism and environmental communities. In fact, the Coalition to Save our Natural Heritage has come out against the multi-million dollar project proposal. The Belize Tourism Industry Association is also against the project, so is Oceana Belize which is one of nine NGOs […]

U.B. Allows Students with Arrears to Sit Final Exam

The University of Belize has decided to allow students who are indebted to sit their final exams. A release from the national university says “Students of U.B. who did not meet their financial obligations by yesterday’s deadline please note that you will allowed to write the December exams.” It is certainly good news for students […]

PM Briceño: “We are on the brink of debt distress”

We are on the brink of debt distress”. That is what Prime Minister John Briceño told SICA member countries and the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Monday during a virtual conference. Members of the Central American Integration System advocated before the UN to access the Green Climate Funds. Member countries also requested support for […]

Minister Mike Espat Sworn In

Toledo East Area Representative Michael Espat was officially sworn in on Monday by Governor General, Sir Colville Young at the Belize House in Belmopan. Espat was unable to attend the swearing-in on November sixteenth due his COVID-19 positive status. He managed to recuperate fully and as soon as he got back a negative test results, […]

Will cops’ face-to-face meeting break COVID-19 regulations?

Later this week the Belize Police Department is also hosting a commanders meeting – that is they are planning to meet in person with their new Minister on Thursday. If we are to go by the numbers – that will bring more than four dozen police officers in one room space. Commissioner of Police Chester […]

COMPOL defends selection of new Commander for Special Branch

There are a number of changes being rolled out this week for commander positions across the country within the Belize Police Department. A notable change is that of the new Commander of Special Branch in the person of Senior Superintendent Sandra Bowden. As she takes over the post, she becomes the first woman to do […]

World AIDS Day: “Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility”

There’s a call for global solidarity to maintain H.I.V. services for those living with the virus. It’s a call heard across the world as Belize joins the international community in observing World AIDS Day. While it may be overshadowed by the socio-economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the message is to tackle this virus […]

Worrying HIV stats for Belize!

The most recent H.I.V. statistics for Belize show an alarming trend. Executive Director of National AIDS Commission Enrique Romero says that the worrying numbers is cause for grave concern. In 2018, there is an estimated five thousand persons living with H.I.V. but only half of them are aware of their status. And even more worrying […]

NAC on a way forward to tackle HIV in Belize

So, how does Belize respond to those worrying H.I.V. stats? Romero says that it will take a collaborative effort to tackle this growing problem. He says the National AIDS Commission will lead the charge with a new plan that will employ new and proven methods that are being used regionally to address H.I.V. in Belize: […]

The COVID-19 impact on the HIV epidemic!

And in 2020, the COVID-19 Pandemic has also had a toll on the H.I.V. situation in Belize. From exacerbating economic conditions of persons living with H.I.V. to compounding the access to treatment and support services, it has been particularly tough for those living with H.I.V. and those affected by the virus. Executive Director Enrique Romero […]