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Oct 21, 2014

Friends Seek Medical Assistance Abroad

Marage Junior is in critical condition and pediatrician, Doctor Cecilio Eck, has taken on his case. His mother says that Doctor Eck does not agree with him traveling because he is a high risk case. At this time, Marage Junior is receiving antibiotics, which is all that is available locally to treat him. But United for Kids once again has stepped in to assist the family. Over the weekend, the group had a turkey dinner sale which raised two thousand dollars; an additional two thousand five hundred dollars was also donated by the Social Security Board. While United for Kids has been in contact with several organizations as well as hospitals and friends in the U.S., Michelle Rudon says that the focus right now is to get Marage Junior stabilized so that he can be possibly be airlifted out of the country for medical assistance.


Michelle Rudon, United for Kids

Michelle Rudon

“It was very frustrating and heartbreaking to, as you say, be back at ground zero after all the work put in, but I still think there is a lot of hope. We won’t give up on him. What we have been doing is reaching out to friends and family living in the states. We’ve been reaching out to different organizations. Right now the critical need is getting his medication into Belize because as his mom says, he is extremely sick. There is no medication available for him in Belize so that right now is the number one priority getting his medication in today which we are working on to at least get him stable enough to get him flown out. Now god willing, we have four Belizean Americans—two of them are family members of mine-who have stepped up to the plate and who have been trying, behind the scenes, t get him admitted to Children’s Hospital and also St. Jude’s. My uncle is also trying to get him admitted to the army hospital. So I am hopeful that by the end of today, we will have a positive answer from one of them. I spoke to St. Jude’s yesterday and what they are saying is that the doctor from here will have to make a referral and plea on his behalf. Doctor Eck has agreed to do that, so we will also try and get that done today. The important thing is getting him stable which we are working on with bringing in his medication and then step two, flying him out as quickly as he is able to.  If he gets into one of these hospitals, the beautiful thing is besides the fact that it is class-A treatment he will be receiving, the mother will have somewhere to stay free of cost and the treatment will mostly be free. So that will be a godsend for her and it actually will be the answer to all our prayers right now. We are pleading to the people of Belize, friends, family members, organizations…please chip in and help.  At the end of the day, a lot of us are moms and if this was one of our kids, we would feel the same way. And I would hope that if it was one of my kids, people would help the same way. This has touched me greatly because she is a single mother just like myself and the little boy really is fighting for his life. It is heartbreaking.”


Again, anyone who would like to assist is asked to make deposits at Atlantic Bank Account 211029830, Holy Redeemer Credit Union account 52770 or Scotia bank account number 9107868. You can also contact the family at 665-0190.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Friends Seek Medical Assistance Abroad”

  1. Fran says:

    My prayers go out to this Family . Like what Miss Rudon said. If it was us. What would we do in that situation. I hope that one of those international institutions respond to you. I will continue to pray for all of you. God Bless everyone who is helping this family.

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