U.S. Ambassador Backs Section 53 Decision; Glad It Wasn’t Appealed
Ambassador Moreno also had thumbs up for the Government’s decision not to appeal the judgment of Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin on August tenth regarding consenting sexual acts in private between partners of differing and same sexes:
Carlos Moreno, U.S. Ambassador to Belize
“I fully agree with the decision that was made last Friday. I think that decision is precedent-setting; I fully agree with it. The position of the U.S. government is that same-sex relationships – what’s done in the bedroom, really – involves matters of privacy and so forth, that in cases of consenting adults, really should not implicate law enforcement.”
Why is the USA so concerned with the batty man issue in Belize when the US has many more problems like black young men being killed by white cops and the millions of young black men incarcerated. Why? Why is batty man so important to them. Lawd!! One would think that the batty-man issue is essential to the life of US citizens. Should our Belize ambassador interfere daily in the NY times about black life matters and racism in the US?