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Mar 22, 2019

US President Meets with Caribbean Leaders; Promises Renewed Investments and Engagement

Today, President Donald Trump met with leaders from five Caribbean countries in Florida; namely Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Dominican Republic, Haiti and the Bahamas. Notably, these countries voted with the U.S. and against the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, at the O.A.S. in January. Belize was not invited to participate.  Central to the meeting was the situation in Venezuela and other issues of trade, security and U.S. investments were discussed. Some of the leaders spoke with the U.S. press and said that the meeting left them feeling encouraged because the U.S. wants to encourage and promote a stronger relationship with the region. Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness is quoted as saying, “We’re satisfied that there will be instrumental action with that message.” In this news clip from NBC News, Trump welcomed the Prime Ministers and Presidents where each of them gave an overview of what they hoped to get out of the meeting.


[NBC News Report….]

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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No Responses for “US President Meets with Caribbean Leaders; Promises Renewed Investments and Engagement”

  1. eddie janmes says:

    Don’t beleive theBS

  2. eddie janmes says:

    Don’t beleive the BS

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