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Sep 27, 2011

Jamaica’s Prime Minister steps down

Bruce Golding

We will have more in Caribbean Newsline coming up after our local newscast, but in Jamaica, Prime Minister Bruce Golding has stunned that country with an announcement that he is formally stepping down. A new party leader will be chosen in an internal election of the Jamaica Labor Party in November when Golding is to demit office. Golding met with his Cabinet colleagues privately on Monday; a day after the announcement was made. He has not personally made any statements to the press and even though the JLP rejected his resignation, there has been no reversal of his resignation by the departing PM. Three names are being put forward as possible successors: Education Minister, Andrew Holness, Commerce Minister Christopher Tufton and Finance Minister Audley Shaw. Golding’s popularity was shattered tremendously over his handling of the 2009 extradition request for Jamaican drug kingpin Christopher “Dudus” Coke. He has been prime minister since 2007. As we said, more coming up in Caribbean Newsline.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Jamaica’s Prime Minister steps down”

  1. rasman says:

    He did the honorable thing, Dean should do the same.

  2. c says:

    Dean BArrow please follow suit!!

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