Prince Harry globetrotting to Belize
There is an official royal visit in the making; these occasions are usually planned well in advance and executed with high protocol. The British royal family will embark on a global tour in 2012 as part of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The announcement went viral today and according to a report in the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail online news, senior royals will visit all fifteen realms where the Queen is head of state, major Commonwealth countries and other nations with close links to the UK. Prince Harry is heading to the Jewel; he will be making his first solo trip overseas on the Queen’s behalf. Aside from Belize, Prince Harry will also be making stops in Jamaica and the Bahamas. Another highlight of the global tour will be a visit by Prince William and Kate Middleton to the island of Tuvalu, which sits off the coast of Australia. The island has not been visited by royals since 1982 and is now at risk of disappearing within the next fifty years due to rising sea levels. The last official royal visit to Belize was by Princess Ann in 2001, but we do note that Prince William visited the Jewel with BATSUB but it was not an official visit.
This dude saw action in Afganistan and just a couple months ago,successfully completed desert training in helicopter piloting in the deserts of Arizona. This is one dude you or me would not want to mess with.
Really Belize..WOW still holding on to tradition that is unnecessary. They have no right to be coming to the land where there took all our precious jewels and woods for themselves. Though, Belize became an Independent Country in the 1980, ” We as Belizean should not even recollect the the Royal Family,” they are no use in the Country and The Queen “Please” has no right to be the Head Of State. She has no right in having a word in the Country Bc she no longer rules ” A head figure” to use up the Britt taxes and any other stupid country who think they still service her and her dying needs. Belize shouldn’t spend a cent on him let them secure his own safety bc the Belizean People owe them nothing. They owe the Belizean People money and all the precious jewels they stole from the Land. Independent WE are and WE SHALL ALWAYS BE. thats’ why we celebrates Independents Day, No need in spending money on an individual who has nothing in mind but to think ” They Still Hold Power” in a country thats’ a Free Country….Now, make sense of this and hold them as a COMMON person in the our country.
AH yes… and the minute Guatemala starts crossing the border we will see how fast the people call on the Brits to save our @ss….and if you think the BDF will do it…remember they can’t can’t keep their guns secure or their officers from beating women….
so keep talking smack all you want Henry, but the reason you talking smack in English its because of the Old Lady and her Jewels…which i might say at her age are still in good shape 😉
AH yes… and the minute Guatemala starts crossing the border we will see how fast the people call on the Brits to save our @ss….and if you think the BDF will do it…remember they can’t can’t keep their guns secure or their officers from beating women….
so keep talking smack all you want Henry, but the reason you talking smack in English its because of the Old Lady and her Jewels…which i might say at her age are still in good shape 😉
oh…one more thing
welcome prince Harry
henry quit bein an a-hle
mein henry you need re think your words man,
because of this people we are called Belizeans a free nation or less we might have been guats as a next department for guatemala. but I proudly say i’m Belizean and nothing having against the brits who have cuddle us in protection from ivasion of guats attempting to invade our jewel. now we need to respect this young man as a Noble from the Royal Fam. even if it seems hard what they did but thanks to them we are Belizeans the only english speaking counrty in central america with the highest dollar values close to the american dollar.
relax henry, u ka defend d jewel. ur a chicken and fraid fi guns and fraid fi worms. so shut dat hole in ur face. u nuh wa mess wit da prince.
Hi Henry, INDEPENDENT AH? If we are independent how come we go hat in hand begging? How come others tell us what to do? How come we dependent on others to fight our drug war? Run to the Brits for defense? How come the U.N. and the OAS manipulate us? How come the IMF tells us when and how to raise tax? How come we ask our relatives in the US to send us daipers, clothes, refrig, stoves, and this and that?. I tell you what we are WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A FEW, WE ARE A NATION OF UNGRATEFUL LAZY BEGGERS.
take it easy people, he’s justa young man on vacation…..welcome the tourists!!!
ARE WE BETTER OFF NOW….or BEFORE INDEPENDENCE????????????Simple question!!!!
Amazing to see people that still have slave mentalities. I mean really Belize, what has England done for you? Enslave the people then use them to fight off the Spanish? I hate seeing former colonies worshiping the British. They don’t care about you! People need to get educated …
Belize people still have slave mentalities. What have the Brits done for you? Please tell me! Educate yourself.. They made you slaves, took away from your land, made you help fight off the Spanish, then freed you…wow, they are great people! Wake up Belize …
I wish Belize would give up its Independence and go back to the UK. We were 100% better off under British rule. More money was flowing and crime was less.
what the !… this has to do with Guatemala and Belize. Please people you are sick this young man is just coming to visit the country and you are already talking $#!%. Lucas you sound !… retarded what this has to do with flying a helicopter and being in afghanistan visting Belize?????????People please grow up you sound ridiculous talking nonsense.
Oh henry , oh henry…you are like the “a hole in the bucket”, You should think twice before you mention the Queen taking off the jewels if Belizean themselves dont apreciate it . We should apreciate it because the queen has done alot for belize it the father of the nation who disapoints me brother! An like any other person would say if we would have a fight with guatemala who u think would come in aid of us the queen .. dont be ignorant , apreciate it tha She still thinks of belize .