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Home » Health » Catarina Ishim’s tumor is surgically removed in Tennessee
Apr 13, 2012

Catarina Ishim’s tumor is surgically removed in Tennessee

Catarina Ishim

We’ve been following the story of twelve year old Catarina Ishim, who has been disfigured by a cancerous tumor. Catarina today successfully underwent the first round of surgery in Knoxville, Tennessee where doctors removed the rare cancerous tumor that had almost covered her entire lower face. The surgery started this morning at UT Medical Center. Dr. Kathleen Herbig is the plastic and reconstructive surgeon, who’s performing the surgery following the removal of the tumor. Her story has also been picked up by a number of US networks. In an interview with WATE TV Channel 6 in Knoxville, Herbig explained, “She’s going to lose a significant amount of her face. She’s likely going to lose her left eye. She’s completely going to lose her nose. She’ll lose at least half of her upper lip and her palate inside of her mouth and so it’s a large tissue area that’s going to be removed including bone.” She went on to say that, unfortunately she isn’t able to give Catarina the face she once had; it is just not possible. Restoring Catarina’s looks isn’t the goal, constructing a functioning mouth so that she can eat to survive is. Dr. Herbig ended by saying that, “Really the goal here is to try to make her cancer free.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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7 Responses for “Catarina Ishim’s tumor is surgically removed in Tennessee”

  1. Storm says:

    She is in my prayers daily. Let’s hope God guides the physicians.

  2. jescalante says:

    God please bess these people that volunteer to do such humane services and we all should pray for the best outcome for this little girl and her family.

  3. elda says:

    Our prayers are with her, the family and the doctors. God bless them all!

  4. Gay Smith says:

    I feel for this little girl and her family,please everyone keep her in your prayers she is so young to be going through so much,i’m sure her family is a believer of GOD,and if you believe and have faith all things are possible.

  5. snucums says:

    WOW!! I am so happy for her. it doesnt even luk like she had a tumor.. happy for you babe, its amazing wat the Lord can make others do>

  6. CEO says:

    Why did it have to go that long before she got the help she needed?

  7. Ermitaño says:

    ¿Catarina Ishim??? Los Ishim son los “hombres valerosos o hombres de Dios” y también es aplicada a santos y a ángeles. En lo que se refiera a la Cábala estos son hermosas almas de los justos o santos. Y en la sephiroh 10 de Malkuth son las “almas bendecidas” o aquellos que son mitad humano y mitad ángel. (Santa Cabala)
    No entiendo si esta foto es antes o después del tumor. pero si ruego al Señor y a San Rafael arcángel (medicina de Dios), que le devuelva su hermoso rostro y su salud general
    Dios la bendiga y le de su salud

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