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Jun 26, 2012

Critical role of Court in CSME

Dennis Byron

The ICJ is not the only judicial system to which Belize has ties.  The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), since its inauguration in April 2005 is the final Court of Appeal.  However, the CCJ has resolved fewer than a hundred cases from member-states within its jurisdiction.  Belize, which joined the CCJ in 2010, has filed a total of eleven applications on various civil matters including the controversial Telemedia re-nationalization in 2011.  Despite the CCJ’s bench having only presided over ninety-four cases during the past seven years, the high court remains a pillar for justice in the Caribbean Community, expanding its membership to fifteen contracting parties.  In a recent press conference held at the Queen’s Hall in Port of Spain, Trinidad, the seat of the CCJ, president Right Honorable Dennis Byron spoke on the critical role the court plays in the function of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy and its member-states.


Rt. Hon. Justice Dennis Byron, President, Caribbean Court of Justice

“An important function of the CCJ, in what we describe as its original jurisdiction, is the exclusive power to resolve disputes between member-states, between member-states and CARICOM and between member-states, CARICOM and individuals arising from the implementation of the CSME.  Under this jurisdiction applications can be brought directly to the CCJ but if in any domestic case a question arises as to the interpretation of the revised Treaty of Chaguaramas the domestic or national court or tribunal is required to refer the matter to the CCJ for adjudication.  Since the establishment of the court a number of matters have already come before it and have been adjudicated. In statistical terms twelve matters have been filed, seven applications for special leave to commence proceedings and five originating applications.  Ten of the twelve matters have already been adjudicated.  Of these two pending matters one has been fully argued and we anticipate rendering judgment during the current month.  Sorry, during the month of July.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Critical role of Court in CSME”

  1. Ricky Malthus says:

    What BS! What hog wash! What stupidity! Why is Belize paying hard tax payers cash to belong to such a stupid organization. Fellow Belizeans Caricom is crap. Look at the European Union crumbling. Caricom has already crumbled. What nonsense from a bunch of lazy people who want to tax the population and live swell off your tax dollars. get rid of Caricom.

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