Guatemala wants Belize to restore 2008 Referendum Act
The President of Guatemala is currently on an unofficial visit to Spain. According to today’s Prensa Libre, Otto Perez Molina says that Belize should change its referendum law to level the field in respect of the October sixth referendum which will decide if Guatemala’s territorial claim should be determined by the International Court of Justice. Under the referendum law, sixty percent of the electorate will have to participate in the poll to give it validity and fifty one percent will have to say yes to go to the ICJ. In Guatemala, however, the referendum laws provide for a simple majority to decide. According to the press report, Perez Molina told the Associated Press that Guatemala does not want to waste forty million US dollars to embark on a pointless referendum. The Guatemalan President further called on Belize to change the referendum law to a more realistic requirement. While there has been no official request, he warned that the only way the referendum goes forward is to amend the requirements. Locally, the awareness campaign was launched in January and the Prime Minister recently told News Five that the referendum act will not be amended.
Outright facy bullying mentality of guatemala…they want us to change our laws to suit them so they could have the upper hand…they must be darn crazy…this is not guatemala this is BELIZE!!!!!!…our laws are our laws…what right do they have to tell us to change our laws??? NONE!!…and if the PM so as to bow to their will, he will surely show the Belizean people the lack of testicular fortitude he really has…
Shall the Guats dictate our laws? They haven’t occupied us yet!
The Guats are unhappy with the process, so I urge them to withdraw from it.
Our laws are our laws, and no one can tell us especially Guatemala to amend our laws. Who the hell they think they are!!
Oh these sick Guatemalans…I would like to put my boot to their face, and SEND THEM HOME!!! Mek dem shet up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
belize must maintain its stance. the amendment to our constitution is Belize’s right and Guatemala has nothing to do with it. all they want is excuse. I say to Guatemala do or die.
Wats up wit this President…? All i can say is NO to the ICJ……and yes i agree with him….lets not waste this money on this. Lets use the money for something more important, like investing in infrastructure, education or anything more important.
The president has a good point, we will not be able to make the 60% threshold, and then the whole thing is a waste of time and money. That statement has nothing to do with him not wanting the case to go to the ICJ. He is just a realist, and I respect him on that point.
Come again?!?!? the guate prez should go ahead and take a long walk on a short pier, and don’t try to dictate our laws to us! That’s the way it is here, If you don’t like it, tough $%&@!
While I would not yield to Guatemala it may be difficult to gain that sixty percent. Belize has not updated its registration list for a long time and therefore those who migrated or has passed away and are on the voters list will not be able to vote.
Would suggest no Guatemalans who gain their Belize nationality before 2000 be allowed to vote in that referendum.
Sorry: i ment after 2000
Gee mr Molina the ICJ has not given you Belize yet and you are already dictating what Belize should do.
Any Belizean naive enough to want to go to the ICJ has no idea what they are getting their country into .
Do you think we have problems now? You definitely don’t want Guatemala to get any part of Belize,
there will be more crimes than we can deal with, we have enough criminals, they are doing what Mexico is doing to California populate it with their people and take it over from the inside. Once in the discrimination starts. It is happening in L.A. right now, they are discriminating against
people who have been living in Compton for many years, (saying this is our neighbourhood) all blacks need to go. So, think Mr. pm before you put our beautiful country into the hands of people who don’t care for us.
Do you think we have problems now? You definitely don’t want Guatemala to get any part of Belize,
there will be more crimes than we can deal with, we have enough criminals, they are doing what Mexico is doing to California populate it with their people and take it over from the inside. Once in the discrimination starts. It is happening in L.A. right now, they are discriminating against
people who have been living in Compton for many years, (saying this is our neighbourhood) all blacks need to go. So, think Mr. pm before you put our beautiful country into the hands of people who don’t care for us. No ICJ period they are not working in our best interest.
I guess it will be better if guatemala takes over as PM cannot manage this piece of country, guatemala has taken Belize long ago without Belizeans not realizing it. Where does Guatemala boder is? in Belize territory.
What should be done next is for all dual citizenship Guatemalans to be required by ‘law’ the rule Of kind, and become Belizean citizens exclusively, rather than as a convenience. They must renounce their Guatemalan citizenship from here forward. The advantages of doing this are too lengthy to get into here and not necessary as this is a common sense issue, which shouldn’t have to be one. Guats must be required to demand an oath of allegiance to Belize or Belize should not be interested in allowing them to be a citizen with full rights, with secondary allegiances. Would one, foreign or domestic with respect to one’s allegiance… for the party or for officials of whom offer them the most benefit? Naturally. Nxt…..
They still at it. Try taking care of your own people
the pup and udp law firm lawyers are dictators,criminals with a law degree….they are fallen angels in human long aa the pup and udp exist in belize,there will never be change,freedome,real democracy.
Belize, is a Nation, a member of the UN, British Commonwealth, Caribbean Community.
Belize, will never be part of Guatemala, It is time The Guatemalan Officials drop that crap and move on. I am sure that they know that We are have the support we need to defend against any aggression of any foreign “bodies.”
Look at the Palestinians, and Israel. This goes to show you that the world will not stand for the take over of any nation.
Well thanks to the stupid minister of foreign affairs who cause all of this. What a waste of time and money. When guatemala tek over they will start by getting rid of all the black people. All the guatemalans living in belize will make sure they help tek us over.
This is interference in the internal affairs of Belize by the President of a country which is claiming part of our country’s territory. The Prime Minister should tell him in no uncertain terms to mind his own business. I guess he is in Spain lobbying his old colonial masters for support at the ICJ if the case ever goes there. By the way we do not consider that Guatemala has a valid claim to any part of Belize, so why go to the ICJ to decide a non issue?
well !@#$ Guatemala because Belize will win. Make Guatemala go dead and eat !@#$……………….
well we’re not taking any land,we’re just taking what’s ours,&our precedent is right,sorry people
this is not England,if I guys want to stay,in our fine,if not go back to England, an we are not being racists,we don’t hate black peole,ok,
well we’re not taking any land,we’re just taking what’s ours,&our precedent is right,sorry people
this is not England,if you want to stay,here fine,if not go back to England, an we are not being racists,we don’t hate black peole,ok,