Outbreak of Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis
There is an outbreak of the Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis which is a mosquito borne viral disease that can affect humans and equines. VEE is also known to be severely debilitating and can be fatal. The virus that causes VEE is transmitted primarily by mosquitoes that bite an infected animal and then feed on another animal or human. According to BAHA, the outbreaks have been detected in Corozal and Cayo Districts. It is recommending that owners countrywide vaccine their horses and that the animals are housed in screened areas especially during the hours of high mosquito activity. BAHA is also advising that the use of repellants and protective clothing can cut down the risk of infection in humans.
This is a very serious matter, and the Ministry of Health needs to start its spraying in all villages and Towns, but they need to act now!!!!!!!!
Yes lets blame the mosquitoes again, for “spreading” the disease once again! It could not be our own gouverment, who conducts experimenting with “new ways to make money through medication”. No, never! Oh yes let them spray our land with their poison! Let them feast on sickness, and get rich by making us sick. Let them control os through the fears they provide us with!
Why do we believe the few will make a good world for the many?
It’s time to wake up!
Instead of saying “government(s)” why do we not “point the finger” at the REAL problem(s) and that would be Corporate Conglomerates and the huge corporations that have ALL of our “governments” in their back pockets??