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Home » January, 2002 You are currently browsing entries posted in: January, 2002

B.T.L. forced to roll back rates

Tonight, the Government of Belize is claiming victory after the Supreme Court ruled in its favour in the ongoing B.T.L. saga. Late Friday night in a surprise move, G.O.B.’s lawyers: Denys Barrow, Eamon Courtenay and Elson Kaseke, informed Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh that the stop order had been incorporated into a statutory instrument and would […]

Ashcroft: Competition must be fair

It is hard to have sympathy for a billionaire…and following his first ever meeting with Belize’s press corps, it is doubtful that many journalists have suddenly become converts to Michael Ashcroft’s cause. However, what did emerge from the forty-five minute chat held today at B.T.L. headquarters, was that while Ashcroft may have been out-lawyered in […]

D.F.C. employee missing in suspicious incident

Tonight, Belmopan police are still searching for clues after a man went missing under highly suspicious circumstances. Rumours as to the reasons behind the disappearance of twenty-eight year old Mark Ireland ran wild today, especially after police took Ireland’s girlfriend into custody for intensive questioning. With the latest from the capital city, we go to […]

Shootout at Belizean Beach leaves one serious

An early morning shootout just outside Belize City has left one man in serious condition and his attacker on the loose. News 5 understands that a man, identified only as Joel Waight, was meeting another man at the area known as Belizean Beach at about 5:00 this morning. Apparently the meeting went sour and a […]

Bz. City taximan shot in head during robbery

A Belize City taxi driver is in serious condition after he was shot during a robbery on Friday night. According to police, around 8:00 that night, forty-four year old Richard Acosta was hired to take four men from the Biltmore Plaza to Ladyville. The men asked Acosta to take them to Marage Road, but when […]

3 arrested for Placencia robbery attempt

In an update to a brazen robbery attempt in Placencia, police have caught the three suspects. Nineteen year old Ryan Valerio, twenty-nine year old Ecleston Bonilla, both of Dangriga and thirty year old Clifford Caballero of Seine Bight, have all been arrested and charged with robbery, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit robbery and several firearm […]

Body found in Hattieville dump identified

The body of a woman found on Friday at the Hattieville dumpsite has been identified as a Corozal businesswoman. According to police, the body is that of forty year old Sandra Williams of Bay Road in Corozal Town. Reports are that Williams left her home on Tuesday, January twenty-second, and never returned. Her pickup truck […]

Prison reopens Chapel of Hope

While some may argue that the best way to deal with criminals is to lock them up and throw away the key, others will tell you that there’s always hope for the convicted. Today, the Department of Corrections took special interest in a place that has brought comfort to more than one inmate. News 5’s […]

Bmp. Bandits draw against league leader Yabra

Good evening, I’m James Adderley and you’re locked into Sports Monday. The battle for supremacy in the Regent’s Cup tournament raged at the M.C.C. Grounds. Yesterday we headed into week thirteen as the defending champions Kulture Yabra, hosted Builder’s Hardware Bandits. A quick look at this picture featuring David “Manu” McCauley, Charlie Slusher and Derron […]

B.T.L. tries to suspend G.O.B. stop order

Tonight lawyers for the Belize Telecommunications Limited are still at the Supreme Court fighting for the suspension of a government imposed stop order. Late this afternoon, attorney for B.T.L., Lois Young Barrow filed an application before Chief Justice Abdulai Conteh asking that the stop order, slated to take effect tomorrow, be deferred until a later […]

Daring robbery goes down in Placencia

A daring daylight robbery has left Placencia police scouring the peninsula for three bank robbers. Reports are that around 1:30 this afternoon three masked men armed with shotguns walked into the Atlantic Bank branch and demanded money. After receiving an undisclosed amount of cash, the men got away by stealing a bank vehicle from the […]

Bz. City man murdered for his bike

Tonight, yet another senseless murder has been added to the list of Belize City crimes. Men have died for dogs, been murdered for mangoes, and iced over an ideal. On Thursday, a storage worker was butchered for his bike. Ann-Marie Williams reports. Ann-Marie Williams, Reporting Russell Smith, a storage worker in his late forties, met […]

Woman found murdered in dumpsite

Tonight the police need your help in identifying a female body found this morning at a dumpsite off the Western Highway. Around 11:00 a.m., Hattieville police, acting on a tip, went to the Boom/ Hattieville dumpsite, where they found a woman’s body. Police say there was blood coming from her nose and marks on her […]

B.W.S.L. workers “go slow” for pay

It seems logical enough…don’t pay me, I won’t work. Well that’s just what employees of the Belize Water Services Limited did this morning, after they didn’t get paid on Thursday. B.W.S.L. field crews congested the parking lot of the corporate headquarters with their vehicles as part of a go-slow designed to send a message to […]

Fire-fighters become arson investigators

After two weeks of training, nearly twenty Belizeans are now certified arson investigators. The eighteen fire-fighters of the National Fire Service, who participated in intensive sessions conducted by international instructors, were all successful and in a graduation ceremony earlier today awarded their certificates. The men and women from fire stations countrywide, studied the dynamics of […]

Anglican teachers turn students in workshop

If you’re the parent of a school aged child, then like many others, you probably hold your breathe at the start of every year hoping he or she gets a “good teacher”. This has prompted one diocese to turn their teachers into students. Jacqueline Woods reports. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting Standard five and six students of […]

Legal Ed. Council meets in Belize

A bunch of lawyers in a room might make most people nervous, but we are assured this time that’s not the case. Earlier today, the Council for Legal Education, which provides professional training for people wishing to qualify as lawyers throughout the region, held it’s executive meeting at the Radisson. Dennis Morrison who has served […]

Bicyclists to be charged for riding on crosswalks

Every year too many Belizeans die in totally unnecessary traffic accidents. Whether it’s our refusal to adhere to the laws or a lack of enforcement, with the public’s safety in mind the Belize City Council has resurrected a law that might just save a few lives. Janelle Chanona reports. Janelle Chanona, Reporting In a matter […]

Central Bank: Economy must slow down

The average Belizean doesn’t need an economist to tell her that U.S. dollars are scarce. But what should the average Belizean think when the government’s own Central Bankers say their advice on how to solve the problem is not being heeded? As News 5’s Janelle Chanona discovered…the questions are easier than the answers. Janelle Chanona, […]

Ex-policeman found murdered

Tonight Belmopan police are still searching for clues after a former colleague was found murdered just off the Hummingbird Highway. On Wednesday, the body of forty year old Raymond Olivera, a retired police corporal, was found about two hundred yards off the highway near Ring Tail Village, which is located near Blue Hole National Park. […]

B.D.F. soldier dies suddenly of heart disease

Meanwhile, police do not suspect foul play in the sudden death of a B.D.F. solider. Police say on Wednesday morning, twenty-eight year old Corporal Michael Loredo was with another solider on Mahogany Street when he collapsed, landing face first in a pool of water. The solider rushed to render assistance and managed to stop a […]

Rape trial goes to jury Monday

Today, trial judge John Gonzales ruled that the case of four teenagers accused of rape, attempted murder, maim and robbery do have a case to answer. Yesterday both defence counsels and the prosecution put forward arguments for and against a “no case submission”. However, Gonzales told the nine-member jury that after listening and examining the […]

Hearings continue in Tower Hill inquiry

July thirtieth, like many dates prior to the fall of the World Trade Center and onslaught of Hurricane Iris, seems like years ago. But the events that unfolded that day at the Tower Hill Bridge are nonetheless still reverberating, as the Commission of Inquiry appointed to investigate the incident reconvened today in Belize City. Ann-Marie, […]

E.U. commits funds for Sibun Bridge

Tower Hill is not the only bridge in the news today. This morning in Belmopan Prime Minister Said Musa and representatives of the European Union signed an agreement under which the E.U. will contribute over three point five million Belize dollars toward the construction of a new bridge over the Sibun River. The new two […]

Mehtodists hold annual conference

The sixth annual district conference of the Methodist Church in the Belize/Honduras District is underway in Corozal Town. The highest decision-making body within the church is addressing issues affecting Methodists and the wider community under the theme: Proclaiming Jesus: The Light of the World. Reverend Karen Durant, a deacon in the Wesley circuit, says the […]