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Home » October, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2005

Two murders, one shooter, no motive

We’ve reported all kinds of homicides over the last fourteen years and the vast majority–although committed for a variety of reasons–at least had some kind of motive, be it robbery, revenge or passion. But the two brutal murders that occurred last night in Belize City seem to have been perpetrated against innocent citizens for no […]

CrimeStoppers seeks to build on success

According to its founders, since CrimeStoppers Belize was launched last year the non-profit organisation has made significant achievements. This morning they hosted a press conference to update the media on its current status and future plans. According to Chief Operations Officer, Chris Garcia, to date CrimeStoppers Belize has received a total of two hundred and […]

Government does about-face on Companies Registry

This one came from Belmopan late this afternoon like a bolt out of the blue and without any explanation other than a very terse press release. We’ll sell it just how we bought it. That is Cabinet today decided to “end the arrangement” under which Belize’s Companies Registry is run by a privately owned corporation […]

Banks will sell U.S. drafts to purchase B.T.L. shares

The Central Bank of Belize today provided some clarification on how Belizeans can take advantage of Government’s offer to sell shares in Belize Telecommunications Limited. As we reported in last night’s newscast, U.S. cash is not acceptable as a mode of payment. This was confirmed today by Central Bank Governor Sidney Campbell who explained to […]

4×4 competition will roar on Sunday

Tonight organisers of the first ever four by four driving contest are putting the finishing touches on preparations for the event and News Five got a special preview. With Francis “Cisco” Woods, chairman of the Rotary Club’s Fundraising Committee, behind the wheel, I got to experience first hand what the competitors will encounter this Sunday […]

Stressed motorists look to two-wheel solutions

If you drive a car you are no doubt hurting tonight, suffering from acute depression over the cost of fuel. But while some of us are moaning, others are taking action. Janelle Chanona, Reporting With gasoline prices at an all time high and only expected to increase, tonight many Belizeans are at a crossroads as […]