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Home » October, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2005

Fugitive returned to U.S. ? tipsters vie for Oprah’s reward

At this hour fifty year old Niles Scott, the U.S. fugitive apprehended this week, is safely behind bars, in either Texas or Ohio. But here in Belize the drama is only just beginning, because with a hundred thousand U.S. dollar reward on the line, the details of his capture are mighty important. Jacqueline Woods, Reporting […]

P.S.U. calls for “work to rule”

Monday is a public holiday, but when business resumes on Tuesday government employees belonging to the Public Service Union will be instituting a “work to rule” industrial action. This means that civil servants will perform their duties only during their scheduled working hours and not beyond. They are protesting the freezing of annual increments, instituted […]

Prosser must pay G.O.B. legal fees for “frivolous motion”

In related news, the Belize Government has won a minor victory in its continuing legal battle with Jeffrey Prosser in the U.S. courts. It seems that in a preliminary attempt at mediation in connection with Prosser’s appeal of the ruling against him in Federal District Court, his attorneys were angry that only G.O.B.’s lawyers showed […]

Top officials head to security meeting in Miami

Government has made up its mind over who will meet with U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his Central American counterparts next week in Miami. The delegation will be led by Home Affairs Minister Ralph Fonseca. According to a Press Office release, Fonseca was selected over Defence Minister Vildo Marin because the themes of the […]

Cop accused of rape by female officer

A police officer has been charged with rape following a report by the alleged victim, who happens to be a female cop. The twenty-nine year old woman claims Sergeant Leslie Wade had sex with her against her will in late September while she was staying at his home in Belmopan. The woman, who had accepted […]

Disorderly bus rider shot by police

An unruly passenger who would not get off a bus was shot in the leg by police on Wednesday. Police say the driver asked an officer at the Burrell Boom checkpoint on the Northern Highway to remove twenty-two year old Daniel Flores, who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. Flores did not agree […]

Taiwan/Belize relations closer than ever

On Monday the Republic of China on Taiwan will celebrate its ninety-fourth birthday. To mark that milestone News Five’s Stewart Krohn sat down with Ambassador Charles Tsai to find out how the two countries, so far apart in so many respects, could wind up as such close friends. Charles Tsai, Taiwanese Ambassador to Belize “As […]

Border communities celebrate common bonds

For many of us, the Belize-Guatemala talks under the auspices of the Organization of American States are a rather abstract concept, but today, some very concrete and visible strides were made towards resolving our differences through an activity at the border. The all day event brought together the people of Benque Viejo Del Carmen and […]

Notice to viewers

Viewers are informed that due to a public and bank holiday on Monday, there will be no newscast. The next broadcast will be on Tuesday, October 11th.