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Home » October, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2005

Belizeans hold their breath as Wilma slides north

At this hour it looks like we’ll dodge the bullet, but Belizeans are still holding their breath tonight as the most powerful hurricane in history churns past our doorstep en route to a rendezvous with the Yucatan coast or Gulf of Mexico. There remains a small possibility for some major impact in Belize, and if […]

City bridges swing for boats seeking shelter

Meanwhile, in Belize City, a special swinging of all three bridges spanning the Haulover Creek was carried out this afternoon, allowing vessels to seek the relative shelter of points further upriver. Other special swingings will be done on Thursday, depending on Hurricane Wilma’s path.

Central Bank makes it easier to buy B.T.L. shares

Viewers may recall that all week we here at News Five have been doing our best to take up government’s offer and purchase one hundred shares in Belize Telecommunications Limited. On Monday, we tried to pay for those shares in U.S. cash, as specified in the prospectus, but the Central Bank turned us down, saying […]

G.O.B. takes over Companies Registry, retains staff

While government has figured out how to sell its B.T.L. shares to the public, it has apparently not yet made up its mind about how to deal with its embarrassing about-face on the issue of stamp duty on its previous share sales to Ecom. Following yesterday’s short press release stating that G.O.B. will end the […]

Conference seeks to end stigma, discrimination of AIDS

For the past three days, community activists, government officials, and representatives of local non-governmental organizations have gathered at the Princess Hotel to discuss the violation of basic human rights being suffered by persons living with HIV/AIDS and those affected by the deadly disease. With facilitators from the Latin American and Caribbean Council of AIDS Service […]

Health officials seek to update legislation

Next door to the anti-stigma and discrimination workshop, public health officials were hard at work discussing, among other things, the fact that Belize’s present Health Act does not address the impact of HIV/AIDS. Revamping outdated legislation is just one of the objectives of today’s workshop as the Ministry of Health continues on its ambitious plan […]

Operation a success; Neville recuperates in Tampa

There is some great news to report tonight regarding the progress of ten year old Neville Bermudez. Bermudez underwent emergency heart surgery on October twelfth at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital in Tampa, Florida. According to his doctors, the child stopped responding to medication, causing his lungs to cease functioning during the procedure, putting a tremendous […]