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Home » October, 2005 You are currently browsing entries posted in: October, 2005

Three missing divers rescued; one doesn’t make it

When we signed off on this broadcast last night it was with the news that the four divers missing at sea since Saturday had been spotted by a B.D.F. aircraft. Tonight we can report that three of them have survived and are recovering at a Belize City hospital. Although the survivors have yet to tell […]

Barrow lambastes Smith; criticises brother Denys

It once seemed that Minister of Tourism, Foreign Affairs and Information Godfrey Smith, had a skin of Teflon. He shrugged off a minor scandal involving the awarding of a contract to his brother, emerged unscathed from the G-Seven rebellion and was riding a wave of prime ministerial support that earned him the post of deputy […]

Cops recover stolen goods, detain two for burglary

It was a serious burglary… but the story has a happy ending as city police recovered the goods…and made a collar. News Five’s Jacqueline Woods has more. Chester Williams, Officer Commanding, C.I.B. ?From our investigation, the burglars gained entry into the store by breaking the locks off the shutters and that is how they entered […]

Smart introduces lower cost international phone service

In these interesting times there has been no shortage of news involving Belize Telecommunications Limited. But while most of the headlines have dealt with the legal dispute over the company’s ownership, its forays into the foreign exchange market or the bungled sale of its shares to the public, we sometimes forget that B.T.L. is a […]

Two women head to Chicago to collect from Oprah

We cannot say with absolute certainty that they are the only ones who will be rewarded for the capture of U.S. fugitive Niles Scott, but today two alert Belizean women took off on their dream trip to Chicago where they will receive their accolades–and cheques. News Five’s Jacqueline Woods reports from the P.G.I.A. Jacqueline Woods, […]